draft blog post welcoming summer interns
Hello publicity and outreach team
Long overdue, I've almost finished the blog post that we'd like to
publish to welcome this year's summer interns.
You can have a look at the draft here:
I've tried to provide links to all the projects and the students/interns
(wiki page, or salsa user page, or other).
I have contacted several people for who I was not sure which URL to use.
I have kept the names shown in the GSoC/Outreachy pages; if somebody
prefers to change that (e.g. show name instead of nick, or the opposite)
or change the URL linked, please email me the details
(larjona@debian.org) and I'll commit the change.
I hope to publish it on Monday 28 May 2018, European morning.
Laura Arjona Reina
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