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Introducing debian micronews

Hi everybody,

In the Debian publicity team we had until now the following official services:

* the traditional announcements that are sent by email to
debian-news@lists.debian.org and debian-announce@lists.debian.org
And published in https://www.debian.org/News
* the blog posts that are published in https://bits.debian.org
* the DPN newsletter sent by email to debian-news@lists.debian.org
And published in https://www.debian.org/News/weekly/
* The microblogging news that are published at https://identi.ca/debian
That also syndicates the feed from bits and announcements

Besides all the services above, some members of the team maintain unofficially
Debian accounts in a few other social networks.

With the goal of making a new official service to close the gap between the
existing services and the social networks, I have been working in a service
I have named micronews: https://micronews.debian.org

The idea is to host a primary source of small news in microblog style in the
Debian infrastructure which can be used in all the social networks (official
or not). Readers will be able to follow Debian news in their prefered social
network, by RSS, or simply browsing the micronews web page. The plan is to
offer in a near future the micronews in the main page of the Debian website too.

In addition to proposing news in the IRC channel or by mail to the publicity
team, every Debian contributor is also encouraged to commit directly to the
micronews repository. Read more in https://micronews.debian.org/pages/contribute.html


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