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Re: DPN 2015/08 frozen. Please review and translate.

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Dear Justin
First, thanks for your reviews and I'm sorry you are finding problems
to contribute more comfortably with the change of the repository from
Subversion to Git.

El 21/10/15 a las 11:22, Justin B Rye escribió:
> Donald Norwood wrote:
>> We just finished the last bits of the new issue of DPN to be
>> released on Thursday, October 22, around 19:45 UTC.
>> We would very much appreciate reviews and translations.
>> Instructions are available on the wiki: 
>> http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews
> I don't see anything very much like instructions for how to do
> reviews and translations.  There is, for instance, no mention of
> the fact that it now seems to require familiarity with git; and
> with the new multi-file setup it's not obvious what's even
> editable.

Mmm I think the correct wiki page is this:


There is no mention about the multi-file setup (I suppose you refer to
the "drafts" folder) because it's an experimental new workflow that we
are trying in the team; it's not decided yet to use it, and in any
case, it would affect the editors of DPN but not reviewers and

For reviews and translations, the only original file to look at is the
one referenced below:

>> The last updated version is available on the publicity Git
>> repository, even via HTTP:
>> http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/publicity/dpn.git/tree/en/2015/08/index.wml

one ^. You can ignore the others, the IDEAS file and the "drafts"
folder, and I'm very sorry that you worked double (or three times...)
with this issue :_(

>> If you're willing to contribute to the redaction of the next
>> issue, don't hesitate, and join #debian-publicity IRC channel or
>> send a message to debian-publicity@lists.debian.org.
> "git commit; git push" just gives me an error message, but here's
> a diff.
I'm not sure which is the problem you are facing, but maybe you cannot
push because you cloned the repository anonymously (you didn't upload
ssh keys to your profile in Alioth)?

If this is the case, in the referenced wiki page,
https://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews/HowToContribute , in the section
"Accessing the DPN Git repository", there is a mention to "Before
accessing the Git repository, you might want to read the section about
SSH access on Alioth" with a link to the corresponding page about ssh
and alioth.

If that's not the case, I'd like to help on debugging the issue, and
update our documentation, if needed. Would you mind to send to me or
to the list this information?

* The command you used for cloning the git repo (if you remember it)
* If you cloned the DPN repo in dpn folder, it's interesting to know
the contents of the file dpn/.git/config, in particular, the "url"
where you push to . Mine is like this:

        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
        url = ssh://git.debian.org/git/publicity/dpn.git
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master

About your diff, thank you very much for the many fixed. I just
applied it and pushed the changes to the repo.


- -- 
Laura Arjona Reina

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