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press at DebConf15

Hi publicity-/ DebConf press team,

Since I am in touch with some of the German IT journalists anyway, I talked with some press contacts about DebConf15 and if they would like to attend. I got the following feedback:

* Hans-Joachim Baader (co-founder and editor of prolinux): he wants to come, just has to check the dates, if it will be possible

* Jan Kleinert (chief editor or Linux Magazin): Unfortunatly nobody from Linux Mag will come (because they are understaffed due to summer holidays during DebConf)

* Oliver Diedrich (chief editor of Heise open/ c't): Heise is also quite thinly-staffed during the summer holidays, but potentially Micro Dölle from c't will come for one day to Heidelberg and maybe also someone from iX - they're scheduling the summer tasks of the editorial staff at the moment. Oliver Diedrich will let me know, as soon as they know if somebody can attend.

In addition to our phone calls, I send all of them an email with the press contact details for DebConf15 as written here: http://debconf15.debconf.org/contact.xhtml

* Jörg Thoma, golem: I just wrote an email

Let me know, if there are other IT media in Germany (like for example Computerwoche or tecchannel....) which you think would be a good idea to invite to DebConf - maybe I'm already in touch with them and can make a quick call :-)

Do you think, it would be a good idea to invite the IT-related journalists from taz, Süddeutsche and FAZ as well? Are there any local newspapers in Heidelberg and around, which could be interested in DebConf?

I will be also for some days at DebConf in Heidelberg - looking very much forward to meet you all... ;-).


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