Re: Updating delegation - Press/Publicity/Bits
On Sun, Oct 04, 2015 at 12:05:18PM -0400, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> English is not my native language, but I believe "moderate" should
> read "moderates".
Moderate as a singular is used when it's being used as a verb, at least
in en_GB :)
> >- The team is also responsible for the maintenance of the News
> > part of the English version of the Debian website (i.e. the content
> > currently located under webwml/english/News/).
> >
> >- The team is in charge of deciding the most suitable publication venue
> > or venues for announcements and when they are published.
> >
> >- Team members must word articles in a way that reflects the Debian
> > project's stance on issues rather than their own personal opinion.
> This is not an actual task. I do not think delegations should try
> telling teams how to do their job, and I do not think neutrality
> should only be requested from the publicity team... if there is such a
> thing as neutrality.
Delegations are not only about tasks, and this doesn't tell them how to
fulfil the role. It's a limiting on the scope of the delegation though.
I should point out that this text was the one proposed by the team
> That being said, I really think such a cut would be detrimental. I
> have been focused on project news, but ever since Joey left, "the
> team" (we did not talk about a team back then) has been understaffed.
> Removing most members will certainly push quality and timeliness even
> lower.
This isn't to stop anyone doing any work - I believe that the only
actual people who I expect to be 'removed' are Joey, and myself.
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