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Publicity team meeting: 2015/07/13, 10h UTC, at IRC #debian-publicity channel

Dear all

After setting our preferences in the corresponding dudle (
https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/debianpublicitymeeting/ ) I'm
calling for a meeting next Monday 13 July 2015, at 10h UTC in
#debian-publicity on irc.debian.org

Right now, 4 people seem available to meet.

The info related to the meeting, including summary of agenda is here:


Please have a look at the agenda and edit-expand as you wish. I'll have
a second look at last meetings minutes to try that no open topic from
there is lost.

My proposal is to have an 1-hour meeting. Hopefully there will be time
during DebConf for a next meeting (we have the BoF, in any case).

If anybody wants to chair, just say. Silence means I'll chair.


Laura Arjona

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