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Review (Re: Wheezy release announcement. Please review and translate.)

On 2013-05-02 19:27, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
[please reply on -publicity list]

Hi all,

with the help of people from the Release Team, we just finalised the
announcement for the release of Wheezy. 

There's only one part missing, and it's the one dedicated to Debian
Blends: Paul has already mailed them asking for input and we are
waiting for their reply.
But the rest is done, so you can start reviewing and translating!

Here's the draft:

The translations should be added to the publicity repository; here's all
the relevant informations on how to do it:

We expect to be done with the release (and the sending of the announcement)
on Saturday, the 4th. There's currently no good estimate of when exactly
the announcement will be sent out.

I can add the translated announcements to the website myself for you:
just remember to mark the status of the file adding a line with a
[translating|reviewing|ready] tag (so that I'll know when it's ready).
If there's also a localized -user or -news mailing list for your
language, please get in contact with the coordinator of your l10n team
to see that (s)he have the permission to send the translated
announcement to the mailing list.


Thank you very much Francesca and everyone. Here are my remarks:

After many months of constant development, the Debian project is
proud to present its new stable version 7.0 (code name 
s/new stable version 7.0/new stable version, Debian 7.0/

This release includes numerous updated software packages, such as:
<li>Apache 2.2.22 </li>
<li>Asterisk </li>
<li>GIMP 2.8.2 </li>
<li>an updated version of the GNOME desktop environment 3.4 </li>
<li>GNU Compiler Collection 4.7.2 </li>
<li>Icedove 10 (an unbranded version of Mozilla Thunderbird)</li>
<li>Iceweasel 10 (an unbranded version of Mozilla Firefox)</li>
<li>KDE Plasma Workspaces and KDE Applications 4.8.4 </li>
<li>LibreOffice 3.5.4 </li>
<li>Linux 3.2.0 </li>
<li>MySQL 5.5.30 </li>
<li>Nagios 3.4.1 </li>
<li>OpenJDK 6b27 and 7u3 </li>
<li>Perl 5.14.2 </li>
<li>PHP 5.4.4 </li>
<li>PostgreSQL 9.1 </li>
<li>Python 2.7.3 and 3.2.3 </li>
<li>Samba 3.6.6 </li>
<li>Tomcat 6.0.35 and 7.0.28 </li>
<li>Xen Hypervisor 4.1.4 </li>
<li>the Xfce 4.8 desktop environment</li>
<li>X.Org 7.7 </li>
<li>more than 36,000 other ready-to-use software packages, built from
nearly 17,500 source packages.</li>

Linux 3.2.0 is not (no longer?) in Wheezy. I'm not sure it's a good idea to give such precise version numbers.

With this broad selection of packages, Debian once again stays true
to its goal of being the universal operating system. It is suitable
for many different use cases: from desktop systems to netbooks; from
development servers to cluster systems; and for database, web, or
storage servers. At the same time, additional quality assurance
efforts like automatic installation and upgrade tests for all packages
in Debian's archive ensure that <q>Wheezy</q> fulfills the high
expectations that users have of a stable Debian release. It is rock
solid and rigorously tested.

We shouldn't claim wheezy as a whole is "rigorously tested". Some parts are tested, but automated tests only cover a fraction of the system. Most bugs are found by usage (and many bugs persist despite reports).
A total of nine architectures are supported:
32-bit PC / Intel IA-32 (<code>i386</code>), 64-bit PC / Intel EM64T
/ x86-64 (<code>amd64</code>), Motorola/IBM PowerPC (<code>powerpc</code>),
Sun/Oracle SPARC (<code>sparc</code>), MIPS (<code>mips</code> (big-endian) and
<code>mipsel</code> (little-endian)), Intel Itanium (<code>ia64</code>), IBM
S/390 (31-bit <code>s390</code> and 64-bit <code>s390x</code>), and ARM EABI
(<code>armel</code> for older hardware and <code>armhf</code> for newer
hardware using hardware floating-point).

This count is idiomatic. Either we use consistent groupings, or we avoid the count.

If you want to simply try it without having to install it, you can use a
special image, known as a live image, available for CDs, USB sticks, and netboot
setups. Initially, these images are provided for the <code>amd64</code> and
<code>i386</code> architectures only.

"Initially"? I suppose this should read "Currently".

Or you can always create bootable USB installation media
(see the <a href="">Installation Guide</a>
for more details).

USB sticks were already mentioned before.

Wheezy will
soon be available on physical DVD, CD-ROM, and Blu-ray Discs from
numerous <a href="">vendors</a>, too.
Would be nice to be consistent with "DVD [period]" vs "CD-ROM".

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