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Re: Press and Publicity Team seek new members

Hi Alexander,

After watching the nice presentation that you and Meike gave at Debconf11, I dediced to join the debian-publicity mailing list and start making some contributions.

Soon after that, in order to be able to help more efficiently, I opened an Alioth account as suggested on the wiki. Then I uploaded my public key to access the DPN repository. But since I'm not a member of any project yet, I couldn't access the repository with my credentials.

Anyway, as Martin Bagge explained to me on the mailing list, the SVN URL listed on the wiki page is for current contributors only. He also told me that I could access the repository anonymously, so I did that and it worked well. Since that wasn't explained on the wiki, I added a small section following Martin's suggestion.

For the time being, I'll be helping by submitting release notifications to Distrowatch (and possibly Freshmeat), as discussed briefly during last week. This is a simple and small task, but I think it's very important from a publicity perspective. Looking at what other distributions are doing on that regard --particularly Debian derivatives such as Mint and Ubuntu-- I decided to step in :)

I'd really like to help with other tasks too, and after reading your post I think that this is a good opportunity to become more involved with the team.

Best regards,

On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 09:07:51 -0300, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <tolimar@debian.org> wrote:


Did you ever want to help Debian, but every piece software you are
interested in is already packaged? You don't consider yourself a
"technical person"? You have basic skills in written English?  Perfect!
Have you considered joining the Publicity Team?

Everyone can join the Publicity Team, see these pages for details:


As said, basic English writing skills are necessary for both teams
(don't worry; we have quite active native English speakers available for
reviews), and ideally candidates for both teams should be more or less
familiar with Debian's organizational structure and internal procedures.

Members of the Press Team should be or be about to become full Debian
members, as you sometimes need to access Debian specific resources (and
later an official delegation when you become a full "Debian Press

Please feel free to get in contact with us.  You can reach the Publicity
Team at debian-publicity@lists.debian.org or in #debian-publicity on
irc.debian.org and the Press Team at press@debian.org.

Best regards,

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