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Guidance needed for Italian Debian/Ubuntu mini-conference press-announce

[Please CC: me in reply, I'm not subscribed]

I'm writing the press-announce for the incoming Italian Debian/Ubuntu
mini-conference (briefly DUCC-IT '10) and I'd like to receive some
guidance. I wrote a brief wml page for the events section of debian
website, and I like to have it proofread before submitting (attached

I'll then follow with a more detailed announce to review. This one
could be a bit more tricky as:
* DUCC-IT will be held in contemporary to SFD celebration. Is anyone
else in the debian world celebrating the software freedom day? Should
we also do a cumulative announce? May -publicity take care of it?

* DUCC-IT is being organized with strong local Ubuntu involvement. I'm
already working with their Italian press-team. How can we also
publicize this collaboration more globally? I (and zack too) believe
this is a good place to improve our mutual collaboration.

* A Debian-women and Ubuntu-women BoF (sort of) has also been scheduled
to discuss and promote women participation in FLOSS (with focus on
Italy, but not limited too). I'm not sure who usually take care of
organizing and publishing this kind of events, but I'd like to get in
touch to write these bits.

For additional info and some context, see:
* http://wiki.debian.org/DebianItalia/MiniDebconf2010
* http://deb.li/duccit10 [ITA only]

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`  			| GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org 	| Debian GNU/Linux Developer
<define-tag abbr>DUCC-IT</define-tag>
<define-tag year>2010</define-tag>
<define-tag pagetitle>Italian Debian/Ubuntu Community Conference</define-tag>
<define-tag where>Perugia (PG), Italy</define-tag>
<define-tag startdate>2010-09-17</define-tag>
<define-tag enddate>2010-09-19</define-tag>
<define-tag infolink>http://deb.li/duccit10</define-tag>
<define-tag coord><a href="mailto:lucab@debian.org";>Luca Bruno</a></define-tag>

<define-tag intro>

<p>This is the fifth edition of the Italian Debian Community Conference,
 the common place where all Italian users, translators and developers can
 discuss and share ideas and knowledge about Debian.</p>

<p>This year edition will be organized in collaboration with the Italian Ubuntu
 local team, with many shared talks and practical sessions. It will be focused on
 Debian/Ubuntu interaction, as the name itself suggests.</p>



<define-tag involve>

<p>Many Debian Developers will give talks about the Debian 
philosophy and how to contribute to the project. Italian localization team 
will be there to speak about translation effort and tools. Some members of the 
Debian-Women team will join in to discuss female participation to the FLOSS world. 
A GPG keysigning party is planned for Sunday.</p>


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