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Re: Debian Project News 2010/09 frozen, please review and translate

On 2010-08-11 15:28, Justin B Rye wrote:
(Skipping some where I just agree...)

Filipus Klutiero wrote:
On 2010-08-10 12:22, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl wrote:
Instructions can be found on http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews
The 2010 annual Debian Developer Conference, DebConf10, which was held
at Columbia University in New York City, ended last Saturday on 7 August,
"7 August, 2010", with the comma, doesn't seem right. It looks like a
mix of "Month Day, Year" and "Day Month Year".
It's the style recommended by quite a few style guides, including
the one linked from "http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews";.  Its main
competitor (especially in en_US) is "August 7, 2010"; versions with
ordinal suffixes ("August the 7th") are generally deprecated.
Not exactly, http://wiki.debian.org/ProjectNews talks about "Day Month Year" (no comma).
DebianEdu, who adapt Debian for the special needs of schools and
similar institutions,<a
their first test version</a>   based uopn Debian

I believe "who adapt" should be "which adapts".
"Their first test version" implies that we're seeing the project as
a group of people rather than an institution, so "who adapt".  A bit
of an en_GBism.
It makes sense in this perspective, but the sentence still sounds wrong to me. According to http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu#AboutDebianEdu.2BAC8Skolelinux :

Debian Edu


is a Debian project to make the best distribution for educational purposes.
      You can read more about it here.
Perhaps "Debian Edu team members".

While Annual Debian Developers Conference 2010 has just ended,
preparations for the 2011 conference have already begun.
DebConf10 is *the* 2010 Annual Debian Developers Conference, but I don't
think "Annual Debian Developers Conference 2010" is a proper noun.
In fact the phrase "annual Debian Developers Conference" is getting
overused by this point in the text.  Couldn't it just say "the 2010
[Seems much better]
According to the<a href="http://bts.turmzimmer.net/details.php";>unofficial
	release-critical bug counter</a>, the upcoming release,
	Debian 6.0<q>Squeeze</q>, is currently affected by
245 release-critical bugs. Ignoring bugs which are easily solved
	or on the way to being solved, roughly speaking, about
145 release-critical bugs remain to be solved for the
	release to happen.
Assuming this is valid as of August 6 (based on
http://blog.schmehl.info/Debian/rc-stats/2010-31 ), the high number is
misleading. If I see 245 affect squeeze, I would basically expect to
find that number if I select "squeeze" in the RC bugs count. But I get
323. The reason is squeeze-only bugs are subtracted from the squeeze
bugs, since they are fixed.
Er, 245 is misleadingly high because really it's 323?
I didn't say "misleadingly high", I said the high number is misleading. There are 2 numbers; the low number, 145, and the high number, 245.

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