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Re: CVS webwml/english/News/weekly/2010/04


* David Prévot <david@tilapin.org> [2010-07-31 23:30:51 CEST]:
> Le 31/07/2010 16:45, Gerfried Fuchs a écrit :
> > * CVS User taffit-guest <webmaster@debian.org> [2010-07-30 19:54:03 CEST]:
> >> Update of /cvsroot/webwml/webwml/english/News/weekly/2010/04
> >> In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv29741/english/News/weekly/2010/04
> >>
> >> Modified Files:
> >> 	index.wml 
> >> Log Message:
> >> Act as if Debconf10 was finally the 10th one
>    ^^^^^^^^^
> >  But it is the eleventh. What makes you think that debconf10 is the
> > 10th?
> I'm well aware of that (I used in French an expression like "the 11th
> Debian Conference" to translate "DebConf10" for more than two months),
> but it seems like the DebConf Orga team decided otherwise [1].
> [1] http://lists.debian.org/4C527B29.8060703@schmehl.info

 Sorry to not have followed that list, a reference would had been useful
in the log. :)

And it's still highly confusing. The 10 in debconf10 can be considered
to refer to the year it's held in - and in that light it's quite easy to
understand for everyone, there are other conferences that have exactly
the same approach: Have the year attached to the conference name but
count for real (and don't hide ones that happened before the year
matched the conference number). It's not so much of a geek thing. People
refer to it as debconf10 anyway.

 But given that there was discussion happening (which wasn't clear to me
from the commit message), even though I can't properly follow the
argument for above mentioned reasoning, it's not my call ...

> >  Changed it back.
> Please revert your change, unless you manage to persuade the DebConf
> Orga team to change their major announcement [2], but to be honest, now
> that I've change back every occurrence of "onzième" (11th) to "dixième"
> (10th) about DebConf10 in every DPN since May 18th, I would be pleased
> if someone else took care of the French revert back again.
> [2] http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100730

 Well, if it's so much of a pressing issue anyone could change it back
and I now have a reason attached to it so I'm fine.

 Strange things happen, hiding conferences that happened.
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