Exhibitor preview of Linux World
We would like to invite Debian to participate in our virtual expo on
LinuxExpo.Net. This is an opportunity for you to promote Debian and the
value you add to Linux and the Linux Community.
You will find Debian listed along with other Linux World Expo exhibitors
and .Org Pavilion participants at
We are asking you and all the exhibitors to provide us with the
1. Expo preview.
2. How does your organization add value to Linux and the Linux Community.
Please either send us a copy of what you want posted or provide a URL for
each of the above items.
LinuxExpo.Net will be writing about the events and conducting interviews
at Linux World. We wrote press@debian.org asking to schedule an
interview. Nils Lohner forwarded our request to the people running the
Debian booth. We are anxiously waiting to hear from them.
Kathy Miles and I came up with an idea to advocate and promote Linux by
getting a bunch of Linux Geeks to cover Linux Expos. If any of you would
like to help cover the expo, please contact us at your earliest
Kathy Miles and Chuck Peters
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