Slink Freeze and IRC Party
[Here's the announcement I want to send out today if possible.. please look
at it and add stuff to the news section for what's new/different/better in
slink. Maybe add juicy details about apt?
Thanks, Nils.]
Debian GNU/Linux
Slink Freeze and IRC Party
October 14, 1998
>> News
The Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 'Slink' Freeze will take place on October 16,
1998 at 0:00 GMT. There will be an IRC party on (also channel #debian on Sunday August 16 at 20:00 UTC.
Please join us for the festivities!
Changes and new features in Slink include
o apt
o newer upstream releases of xfree86, egcs
The release of Slink will be scheduled for December 1998.
[Brian, is this correct? Do you have a date in mind already?]
>> About Debian
Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system.
It is maintained and updated through the work of many users who volunteer
their time and effort.
Linux kernel based operating systems are POSIX based, freely distributable,
and includes features such as true multitasking, virtual memory, shared
libraries, demand loading, proper memory management, TCP/IP networking, and
other features consistent with Unix-type systems. It is used by individuals
and organizations worldwide.
>> Contact Information
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