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Re: Como posso engajar na comunidade

Hi Tobias, your translation was very good :-)
I believe you answered Ramone's questions.

Ramone, o Projeto Debian não contrata pessoas. Os(As) constribuidores(as) são voluntários(as).

Mas algumas empresas contratam desenvolvedores(as) Debian para contribuir para o Debian seja full-time ou durante algumas horas durante a semana/mês. Infelizmente não conheço nenhuma empresa brasileira que faça isso. Só conheço empresas internacionais.

O que a maioria de nós faz é começar a contribuir para o Debian pelo prazer de contribuir para o projeto de software livre. E isso ajuda a adquirir conhecimento e eventualmente melhorar o currículo. Algumas empresas levam em consideração esse conhecimento na hora de contratar.

Se você quiser participar de uma lista em português e tirar mais dúvida, você pode se inscrever nessa lista:


Em 03/08/2023 06:54, Tobias Frost escreveu:
Hallo Ramone,

On Wed, Aug 02, 2023 at 04:29:18PM -0300, Ramone Ferreira wrote:
Como faço para me participar da equipe de desenvoolvedores do Debian, sei
programar em C C++, Lua, Python e Ruby
apenas quero aprender e adquirir experiência no ramo
eu aceito trabalhar de graça, se meu desempenho for bom dentro de 3 meses,
combinamos para efetividade.

sorry in advance if I misunderstood your question, as I do not speak
Portugese and had to use a translation service and those do funny things
from time to time.

(Please understand that the primary language used in the Debian project
to interact with each other is English.)

Regarding your question, which has been translated by the robots to
"How do I join the Debian developer team":

"Offically" joining the Debian project, becoming a Debian project member [1]
is not required to contribute to Debian, on the contrary, one has first
contribute to Debian for a while, before joining the project [2].

You may now ask yourself, "how to start to contribute to Debian": The website you
want to read is [3] :)
Possibly, additionally, as you have expressed -- or at least those translation
robots implied -- that you have programming skills, this might be useful
resources into getting started becoming a package maintainer:[4]

Let me also point you to the debian-mentors mailing list [5], which is a more
appropiate mailing list than debian-devel for people wanting to start to contribute
to Debian, and a useful resource to ask questions.

The translation robot also had this translation, I'm not sure if that is conveying
the intention you had on this sentence:
eu aceito trabalhar de graça, se meu desempenho for bom dentro de 3 meses,
combinamos para efetividade.
translated to:
I accept to work for free, if my performance is good within 3 months,
combine for effectiveness.

As said, I'm not sure about the translation quality, but let me just want
to avoid a possible misunderstanding: Generally Debian is a volunteer project
and we generally do not have (paid) jobs or hire people.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianDeveloper
[2] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject
[3] https://www.debian.org/intro/help
[4] https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers/
[5] https://lists.debian.org/debian-mentors/

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Debian Developer
Site: http://phls.com.br
GPG ID: 0443C450

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