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debian image questions

Is there a version of Debian that does not require 1990's technology?
because i would really really want that Debian.I would download that
in a second. However most of Debian still works off "image"? Still? Is
there a new digital addition of Debian that I can download and install
without using "image"? I am looking for Debian  that I can download
and then install and not need "image" like I am trying to use a live
action telnet on another OS. Why do I need to use "image" and burn the
software onto a CD? A round silver disc? I have heard of that, and see
that technology on tv, but I have never actually had one in my life.
Do computers even come with CD drives anymore? The other "image" is a
USB driver. I had to google what that was and its Roku stick but
empty, right and you store files on it? A friend told me USB drives
was helpful back in the late 1990's because computers couldnt hold
large games like we have now so people would put games on USB sticks
and would plug them in. install the game and play? then when they
wanted to play another game they would uninstall the game they was
playing, insert the USB stick and install the different game and play
it??? well computers are not like that now, you can put many large
games on a computer, its 2023. But Debian can not brake the hump in
todays times?? maybe i am missing something? why would i need to put
it all in "image" on a USB drive like the old time days? I know there
might be a reason, what am i missing?

I really want to try Debian but i dont live in the 90's CDs and USB
drives times. why cant i just install Debian from a digital cloud? i
dont understand why i need physical hardware to run digital software?

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