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Re: Debian infra services and tools looking for programming contributions

Thanks for the initiative. I think it could be expanded to include
Debian-specific tools and libraries that are not part of the
IMO a friendly interface to create, list and search for work items
would help. I can see myself filtering by:
- programming language
- type of contribution: development, review, testing, translation...
- topic
- amount of work required
- requests and offers for mentoring
...but also subscribe to items I care about

For example, FreedomBox is doing something similar using labels on
Salsa, e.g. https://salsa.debian.org/freedombox-team/freedombox/-/issues?label_name%5B%5D=beginner

A dedicated package on the BTS could be used instead but the BTS seems
to appear a bit daunting to newcomers...

Federico Ceratto

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