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Re: Some thoughts about Diversity and the CoC

On 15615 March 1977, Martina Ferrari wrote:

Good to know that you prefer to include bigots in Debian in exchange for
marginalised people, I am sure the other trans and nonbinary folk in
Debian must feel very welcome around you. At least you are being open
about it.

Are you misreading him on purpose? Probably from earlier (negative)
experience with him?

He said nothing of that sort. He told you that you used the entirely
wrong words in your mail. You may have replied to someone who strongly
is on another PoV than you are. That does not make it right to use that
foul of a language, no matter how wrong you think his position is (and
*everyone* here agrees that that view has no place in Debian).

It especially makes it wrong when one wants to be someone who helps
others with their conduct. Lead by example. That mail definitely lead
the wrong way.

bye, Joerg
If the autobuilder tells me that my package failed to build from
source, it's probably doing that on some obscure architecture I don't
have access to.

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