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Re: Expulsions Policy


Russell Stuart:

> As far as I can tell, the only place document that defining Debian
> current policy on expelling members is published is here:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/08/msg00005.html
> That would be a 13 year old post to a mailing list.  To be fair a link
> to that post is in the DAM Wiki page, filed under the heading
> "Interesting Links".

You are misrepresenting this: it has been said outside of this list that
this does not represent an expulsion procedure but a procedure that
makes it possible for DDs to make DAM consider an removal of privileges,
because that's what it is.

I'm not going to reply to your proposals of procedure here, because:

- I'm not convinced that escalating this discussion *now* to -project is
helpful, on top of the avalanche of discussions that we've seen on
another list during the past two weeks.

- Another group of people wants to escalate this discussion to -vote and
seems to be equally working on yet another proposal, as far as I understood.

- DAM has not had the time to react and it has been asked explicitly and
several times to give them this time.

- Did you consider communicating with DAM before writing here?

Please: don't push more on yet another mailing list until the above
points are somewhat settled, i.e. DAM has had time to react and the
other group has started circulating their draft, if they still plan to
do so.

Thank you,

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