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Re: producing, distributing and storing Debian t-shirts

Dear all,

FWIW  I've CC'ed Praveen, he actually did a biggish print-run around
2011-12 if memory serves right. He got about 150-200 t-shirts either
at Tirrupur, Tamil Nadu
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiruppur#Economy or Bangalore. If memory
serves right, he lost about 30% of the money out of the pocket as many
t-shirts went unsold.

Storing and taking from place to place was also an issue as events
used to happen all over the country.  He even stored the left-overs to
me to store and 2-3 t-shirts were damaged at my house.

After that our unofficial policy is to have very limited runs and
usually just print for whoever speaks at the event and have few for
those who do some contribution to the project.

I hope Praveen cares to share more .

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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