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Re: If Debian support OS certification?

On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 08:35:07AM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 5:15 AM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> > While it is nice to answer the way you did, here, Debian is missing yet
> > another opportunity that other commercial distro would not. Maybe we
> > should have a BoF at debconf Montreal about this.
> Please do register a BoF, I'd be happy to attend if I can.

Me, also.

> > Quanta is a company shipping servers. If I'm not mistaking, they're
> > located in Shanghai. One thing they used to do (and probably continue to
> > do) is building servers matching open specifications from the "open
> > compute" project. That really appeals to Debian moral standards, IMO.
> Thanks for the info.
> > What they are interested about, is having *us*, Debian, to certify that
> > their hardware work on our system, so that their customer trust they can
> > buy it to run Debian. It'd be a bit weird if they were certifying
> > themselves.
> I think that Debian members/contributors do not and should not hold a
> monopoly on verifying that Debian works on a particular piece of
> hardware.
> I think a better approach would be to produce a Debian Live image that
> on boot checks as much of the hardware as possible automatically and
> lists a checklist for verifying the rest of the hardware works. Anyone
> could run the image and the resulting report could be uploaded to
> hardware.d.o, where it would be displayed publicly and count as a
> "certification". This way users can trust Debian to run on the
> hardware and there is no monopoly on certification. ISTR Ubuntu's
> certification stuff works similarly except that only Ubuntu can give
> the certification mark, probably in exchange for money.
> In any case, hardware vendors are in a much better position to be able
> to certify that Debian runs on their hardware than we are. They know
> exactly what functionality should be present and have access to get
> more hardware in case running Debian bricks their devices.

Wearing my DSA hat: fully agree.

> > Now one idea: one way we could provide the certification would be asking
> > for hardware sponsorship. This way, we (ie: the DSA team) would get
> > "free" hardware, in exchange for a certification. Obviously, we'd need
> > to discuss this with the DSA.
> With my DSA hat on, we don't like being guinea pigs for development
> boards and pre-release hardware. This kind of hardware tends to be
> unreliable and require too much hand-holding. That said, we definitely
> welcome hardware sponsorship and partners.

Wearing my DSA hat: fully agree. So tired of flakey hardware.

Wearing my Partners hat: what value a certification that was 'bought' by
donating hardware (or a variable amount of funding) to Debian. I'd prefer a
declared fee structure for the service, for transparency. That said, I'd far
prefer Paul's suggestion of a Live CD.

> > Then we'd need a kind of "Debian certified hardware" logo that we would
> > agree the certified company use for some hardware. This would need SPI
> > approval, since that's the entity owning the rights for the Debian logo.
> I expect we can probably get a logo created by updating this:
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianArt/RequestArtwork
> Often it takes some promotion for the right people to notice though.

Luca Filipozzi

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