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a month of DC14 keysigning aftermath

Contrasting the DC14 KSP keyring[0] from roughly the start of DebConf
(and thus before the keysigning party) against roughly a month later,
there has been a change in ranking of the top 5 "connectors":

1872: Stefano Zacchiroli (4900 707D DC5C 07F2 DECB  0283 9C31 503C 6D86 6396)
1240: Daniel Kahn Gillmor (0EE5 BE97 9282 D80B 9F75  40F1 CCD2 ED94 D217 39E9)
 647: Anibal Monsalve Salazar (C604 5C81 3887 B77C 2DFF  97A5 7C56 ACFE 9478 97D8)
 558: Stefano Rivera (8B5B D33F 542B C3FC 03D5  5A9A 5110 6DF5 CD92 D072)
 494: Jonathan McDowell (0E3A 94C3 E830 02DA B88C  CA16 94FA 372B 2DA8 B985)

2475: Stefano Zacchiroli (4900 707D DC5C 07F2 DECB  0283 9C31 503C 6D86 6396)
1422: Daniel Kahn Gillmor (0EE5 BE97 9282 D80B 9F75  40F1 CCD2 ED94 D217 39E9)
 499: Stefano Rivera (8B5B D33F 542B C3FC 03D5  5A9A 5110 6DF5 CD92 D072)
 387: Jonathan McDowell (0E3A 94C3 E830 02DA B88C  CA16 94FA 372B 2DA8 B985)
 300: Paul Tagliamonte (8F04 9AD8 2C92 066C 7352  D28A 7B58 5B30 807C 2A87)

There has also been net increase in largest-component connectivity:

            connectivity    strong connectivity
August                95                     87
September            113                    105

The reduction in total number of valid keys from 123 to 122 represents
one key being revoked in the September data.  A side effect of this is
that the arbitrary key identifiers from 97 on up refer to different
keys between the two months.  96 and lower are constant.

[0] https://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc14/names.html
============= /tmp/ksp-dc14-aug21-sigs.gpg ================
10: 0
101: 0
102: 0
103: 0
104: 0
106: 0
107: 0
108: 0
109: 0
110: 0
111: 0
112: 0
113: 0
114: 0
115: 0
116: 0
117: 0
118: 0
119: 0
120: 0
121: 0
122: 0
123: 0
17: 0
22: 0
24: 0
26: 0
28: 0
34: 0
40: 0
45: 0
48: 0
49: 0
50: 0
56: 0
57: 0
60: 0
61: 0
62: 0
69: 0
73: 0
75: 0
76: 0
81: 0
82: 0
87: 0
88: 0
89: 0
91: 0
92: 0
93: 0
95: 0
96: 0
97: 0
98: 0
19: 1
16: 2
105: 4
11: 4
70: 4
29: 6
20: 7
54: 7
74: 7
15: 9
51: 10
94: 10
100: 11
64: 11
35: 15
84: 16
90: 17
42: 18
7: 19
38: 20
46: 20
44: 24
37: 30
27: 31
43: 41
55: 44
13: 45
31: 45
3: 49
72: 51
79: 59
59: 67
47: 73
99: 74
32: 78
18: 85
36: 87
71: 96
41: 100
9: 105
80: 117
6: 120
25: 142
67: 143
12: 176
21: 178
83: 178
77: 179
4: 181
85: 182
14: 193
33: 194
86: 208
53: 223
65: 256
52: 267
63: 317
8: 340
58: 351
39: 366
5: 400
30: 411
78: 489
2: 494
68: 558
23: 647
1: 1240
66: 1872
Hash algorithms used by signatures in /tmp/ksp-dc14-aug21-sigs.gpg:
Connectivity in /tmp/ksp-dc14-aug21-sigs.gpg:
     123     943 %1 (<stdin>)
        95     937 _%1_cc_0
         1       0 _%1_cc_1
         1       0 _%1_cc_2
         1       0 _%1_cc_3
         1       0 _%1_cc_4
         1       0 _%1_cc_5
         2       1 _%1_cc_6
         2       1 _%1_cc_7
         1       0 _%1_cc_8
         2       2 _%1_cc_9
         1       0 _%1_cc_10
         1       0 _%1_cc_11
         1       0 _%1_cc_12
         1       0 _%1_cc_13
         1       0 _%1_cc_14
         1       0 _%1_cc_15
         1       0 _%1_cc_16
         1       0 _%1_cc_17
         1       0 _%1_cc_18
         1       0 _%1_cc_19
         1       0 _%1_cc_20
         2       2 _%1_cc_21
         1       0 _%1_cc_22
         1       0 _%1_cc_23
         1       0 _%1_cc_24
Strong connectivity in /tmp/ksp-dc14-aug21-sigs.gpg:
      87     919 cluster_0 (<stdin>)
       2       2 cluster_1 (<stdin>)
       2       2 cluster_2 (<stdin>)
       3       0 scc_map (<stdin>)
      94     923 total
============= /tmp/ksp-dc14-sep21-sigs.gpg ================
102: 0
106: 0
108: 0
109: 0
110: 0
112: 0
114: 0
120: 0
121: 0
122: 0
123: 0
21: 0
24: 0
26: 0
34: 0
49: 0
57: 0
61: 0
76: 0
81: 0
88: 0
89: 0
92: 0
93: 0
95: 0
31: 1
44: 2
56: 2
67: 2
35: 3
40: 3
29: 4
32: 4
42: 4
115: 6
119: 6
55: 6
118: 7
97: 7
60: 8
71: 11
75: 12
79: 12
15: 17
46: 17
62: 18
107: 19
73: 21
22: 23
47: 24
90: 24
45: 25
59: 26
94: 27
38: 29
52: 29
65: 29
10: 30
14: 30
28: 30
37: 31
70: 32
113: 33
7: 35
84: 35
101: 38
111: 44
51: 45
87: 51
16: 52
99: 56
13: 57
96: 62
43: 63
48: 63
98: 65
50: 67
85: 67
30: 72
11: 73
39: 74
17: 75
104: 79
18: 80
19: 80
41: 80
72: 81
74: 82
91: 82
58: 83
20: 84
64: 86
54: 92
83: 102
63: 105
36: 108
117: 109
69: 109
116: 116
27: 117
53: 137
23: 154
33: 160
4: 176
105: 180
3: 182
9: 183
103: 188
6: 190
25: 191
86: 202
100: 211
77: 216
8: 220
5: 265
80: 283
82: 284
12: 295
78: 300
2: 387
68: 499
1: 1422
66: 2475
Hash algorithms used by signatures in /tmp/ksp-dc14-sep21-sigs.gpg:
Connectivity in /tmp/ksp-dc14-sep21-sigs.gpg:
     122    1878 %1 (<stdin>)
       113    1877 _%1_cc_0
         2       1 _%1_cc_1
         1       0 _%1_cc_2
         1       0 _%1_cc_3
         1       0 _%1_cc_4
         1       0 _%1_cc_5
         1       0 _%1_cc_6
         1       0 _%1_cc_7
         1       0 _%1_cc_8
Strong connectivity in /tmp/ksp-dc14-sep21-sigs.gpg:
     105    1818 cluster_0 (<stdin>)
       2       2 cluster_1 (<stdin>)
       2      19 scc_map (<stdin>)
     109    1839 total

tempdir=$(mktemp -d)

for i in /tmp/ksp-dc14-aug21-sigs.gpg /tmp/ksp-dc14-sep21-sigs.gpg
	print "============= $i ================"
	hkt findpaths --keyring "${i}" --filter any any any > "${tempdir}/paths"
	sed '/^$/q' "${tempdir}/paths" > "${tempdir}/justpaths"
	for j in {1..123}; do print -n "$j: "; grep -c ",$j," "${tempdir}/justpaths"; done | sort -n -k +2
	print "."

        hkt graph --keyring ${i} --filter any > ${tempdir}/current-everybody

	print "Hash algorithms used by signatures in ${i}:"
	gvpr 'E{printf("%s\n", label);}' ${tempdir}/current-everybody | sort | uniq -c
	print "."

	print "Connectivity in ${i}:"
	ccomps ${tempdir}/current-everybody | gc -r
	print "."

	print "Strong connectivity in ${i}:"
	sccmap ${tempdir}/current-everybody | gc
	print "."

rm -rf ${tempdir}

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