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Re: Prospective Trusted Organizations - FFIS

also sprach Lucas Nussbaum <leader@debian.org> [2014-03-11 11:58 +0100]:
> I'm forwarding their answers below; please use the next two weeks
> to ask follow-up questions.

*Almost* in time, at least if 2 == 4, and clearly, there are cases
when that is true. ;)

I have one question about Joey's responses regarding FFIS:

> >  * The organization has decision-making processes that explicitely
> >    delegate decisions on Debian assets to the Debian Project Leader
> true.

For completeness: where is this "explicitly" defined?

I also have a few questions about the FFIS association, especially
with regards to your bylaws.¹ I have already sent these questions to
vorstand@ on 31 July and info@ on 9 April, but have not received
a reply to date.

1. In § 7 Abs. 6 (of your minutes) it is stated that the board meets
   "publicly" and that such meetings are publicly announced; where
   are these announcements made? Is there a record?

2. In § 7 Abs. 7 it is stated that minutes of those meetings are
   made publicly available within two weeks of such meetings.
   I cannot find any such minutes online². Where should I look?

3. In § 10 Abs. 8 it is stated that the minutes of the members'
   meetings are to be made publicly available. Yet, the last set of
   minutes linked online² is from 2006. § 10 Abs. 2 states that such
   a meeting must take place once every two years. Where can I find
   the minutes for 2008, 2010, and 2012?

4. Have there been exceptional/extraordinary meetings (cf. § 10 Abs.
   3)? Could you please make the minutes public?

¹) http://www.ffis.de/Verein/satzung.html
²) http://www.ffis.de/Verein/Protokolle/

Please don't read my questions as distrustful. The reason why I am
getting involved in this is because we are evaluating possibilities
for cooperation with regards to DC15, and FFIS is obviously
a possibility/necessity. In particular, FFIS seems like the logical
recipient of any funds left over after closing a DC15 legal entity
an the tax authorities will look closely at that.

Thank you,

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer               http://debiansystem.info
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck    http://vcs-pkg.org
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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