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Re: Debian infrastructure teams needing you -- yes, actually you

Hi Andreas,
Thanks for bringing up this issue. I hadn't realized these teams had weakened, but I did realize that the DDTP was weak to say the least, and it's been a while since I heard about DebTags. It is great if teammetrics is starting to be useful.

Sending a call for action is a good idea but even a well-written and focused call may not suffice. In case a more permanent effort is needed, reviewing the documentation on those teams would be a good idea. It's probably best that those most involved do that, but they can be reminded. A team not maintaining its documentation is itself a health concern and may warrant a warning.

Team membership should be reviewed, particularly to prevent the document from sending a false impression of healthiness. I took the liberty to remove Petr Rockai from the DebTags team, but I suspect more updates may be needed.

A reduced team activity can be worrying but might just happen because the workflow was optimized or the team's importance diminished. It's important to see what a team needs to do. Documentation should have a Get involved section, and its contents should be refreshed when needed.
  • The i18n team's Get involved section should surely mention DDTP.
  • The DebTags team has no Get involved section but could certain use more manpower. We had interesting progress in the tags database at least at some point. Could the lack of tags usage have caused a loss of momentum? adept is dead. I never heard about any DebTags usage from PackageKit. And what happened to synaptic-debtags? Oh, packages.debian.org uses Debtags. Hum, not as much as it could I guess.
Filipus Klutiero

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