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Re: Recruitment of young contributors (Re: Young people and computers)


On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 12:16:41AM +0000, Moray Allan wrote:
> On 2013-02-09 21:46, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> >and the only data above simply shows the age of members. The graph is nice,
> >but it doesn't show the age of members at the time they are recruited, and
> >even less how that age changes with time. If we actually have such data, I'm
> >sure I wouldn't be the only one to appreciate.
> I agree that it would be more interesting to see a graph of the
> average age of new DDs over time.  It ought to be possible to get an
> approximation of that by merging birthday data from db.debian.org
> with joining date data from nm.debian.org, though both of those data
> sets are incomplete.
> Without the numbers, my impression, shared with others, is that the
> age of new DDs has increased somewhat, as well as the average age of
> DDs increasing just from DDs getting older (but not quickly retiring
> from Debian).

http://people.debian.org/~spaillard/developers-age-histogramm/ actually also
contains historical data.

Fortunately, it also shows the average age increases slower than time: over
2012 (12 months so), average age increased by 2.7 months only.

Consider the figures below with caution, as it's computed from rounded to year
data, hence the big jump at year transition.

2010-04-11	mean = 33.1036	
2011-03-19	mean = 34.0884	
2011-05-13	mean = 34.0711	
2011-06-01	mean = 34.107	
2011-07-01	mean = 34.107	
2011-08-01	mean = 34.0982	
2011-09-01	mean = 34.0963	
2011-10-01	mean = 34.0879	
2011-11-01	mean = 34.1322	
2011-12-01	mean = 34.112	
2012-01-01	mean = 35.1168	
2012-02-01	mean = 35.0846	
2012-03-01	mean = 35.1131	
2012-04-01	mean = 35.0561	
2012-05-01	mean = 35.0864	
2012-06-01	mean = 35.0668	
2012-07-01	mean = 35.0569	
2012-08-01	mean = 35.052	
2012-09-01	mean = 34.9782	
2012-10-01	mean = 34.969	
2012-11-01	mean = 34.9706	
2012-12-01	mean = 34.8928	
2013-01-01	mean = 35.8746	
2013-02-01	mean = 35.8918	

Simon Paillard

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