Dear folks, I was asked this morning to jump in for someone else and give a presentation on the state of the project at the upcoming LCA. I always enjoy to talk about Debian, so I accepted, but I leave tomorrow and so this is a bit of a short notice. I am thus hoping that you can help me a bit to compile a list of current topics in Debian, so quick responses are especially appreciated. In addition to the Lenny release goals, - where are we currently spending most of our time? - what are current unsolved challenges? - what are some pending decisions that have to be made? - what are the major changes in the project and our product(s) since the etch release? - what else would you deem relevant to a "state of the project" summary? I appreciate your time and will make sure not to take credit for your help, that is, to properly mention everyone who contributed. Cheers, -- .''`. martin f. krafft <> : :' : proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user `. `'` - `- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems i stopped fighting my inner demons.. we're all on the same side now.
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