Re: (Debian's Two Choices) The influx of women and the outflux of men. The end of debian as a distro and it's emergance as a women's rights pulpit.
Insanity: being opposed to feminism..
Troll: being opposed to feminism.
I proudly use debian as my dictionary!
First they mock you. (He's insane)
Then they fight you. (Let's throw him in jail for hate
Then either debian dies or you win.
--- George Danchev <> wrote:
> On Sunday 11 June 2006 21:50, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > You are crazy, and should get yourself some
> professional psychiatric
> > counceling.
> I fully agree that this creature [1] has some kind
> of mental problems, thus
> trying to keep any sort of normal conversaton with
> such sort of interlocutors
> is doomed to fail any time you think. It is also a
> bad idea to provoke people
> with mental problems, since the side effects which
> could arise are not
> predictable in any sane way. So we can only hope
> that this madness will fade
> away itself left short of any audience.
> [1] note, that noone could be sure if that is really
> a man or a woman... and I
> doubt there is anyone who cares.
> --
> pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB 2003-03-18
> <>
> fingerprint 1AE7 7C66 0A26 5BFF DF22 5D55 1C57 0C89
> 0E4B D0AB
> --
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