DPL-Team meeting minutes 2005-04-24
Meeting of 2005-04-24
Andreas Schuldei, secretary
Branden Robinson, DPL
Enrico Zini
Jeroen van Wolffelaar, chair
Steve Langasek
Absent with regrets:
Bdale Garbee
1. Appoint a secretary.
2. Determine whether the leadership team needs a public-facing contact
3. Collect report from each member on leadership-relevant mails
received privately since the election results were announced.
4. Discuss pending funding requests.
5. Discuss whether the leadership team needs new members.
6. Discuss current issues in Debian.
7. Assign task: review the formal delegations made by previous DPL,
adjust delegations to fit reality, and don't let any delegations
lapse accidentally.
8. Delegate team members to research and report at next meeting on
areas of Debian concern that we may want to add to our to-do list.
9. Discuss coming up with a better name for ourselves than "Project
10. Open floor to general discussion.
Jeroen opens the meeting at 2200 UTC.
1. Appoint a secretary
Responsibilities may include:
- Preparing minutes for meetings
- Determining availability of team members for future meetings
Andreas Schuldei will act as secretary untill further notice;
Enrico Zini will help out as backup secretary if Andreas is
2. Determine whether the leadership team needs a public-facing contact
No, this is not necessary.
- The DPL can easily bounce whatever's appropriate for the team to
their email addresses.
- The members of the team are publicly and prominently documented.
Anyone who wishes to contact any subset of the team privately
can easily do so.
- The team isn't official recognized by the Constitution -- the DPL
has full responsibility over things, so the DPL should be the
contact address.
- The team acts as a helper for the DPL and should get the things
that the DPL would like help with.
- Having a leadership team contact address might encourage people
to infer that mailing leader@debian.org implies that the DPL
will not share information with the team.
- If someone wishes the DPL to hold something in confidence, then
1) that request should be made explicit in the mail, and 2) the
email should be encrypted using the DPL's GPG public key.
3. Collect report from each member on leadership-relevant mails
received privately since the election results were announced.
- Sponsorship request for Debian people to aKademy 2005 in Spain
We don't have hard numbers on the costs yet, so Branden has asked
the possible attendees for travel costs quotes. We should also
determine if the event itself can sponsor developers.
Andreas is busy with DebConf preparations, so Branden will contact
the aKademy 2005 people about this.
- Branden approved Martin Michlmayr's request for GBP 200.37 of
miscellaneous DPL expenses to be reimbursed by the Debian UK
- There is a short discussion regarding the funding of disks for
snapshot.debian.net; we should kick off a discussion on -project
to see how many people use it and how useful it is. (This is
already underway.)
Relevant mail or other info (summaries) that would be necessary
for the DPL or the team to be aware of should be collected in SVN.
4. Discuss pending funding requests.
Discussion of pending funding requests was done by discussing the
relevant mails (see point 3).
5. Discuss whether the leadership team needs new members.
Benjamin "Mako" Hill could be asked to join the team. He is an
employee of Canonical and may have useful input/insight on a
variety of issues.
Vote on extending an invitation to Mako:
in favor: 3
opposed: 0
abstaining: 2
We resolve to invite Benjamin "Mako" Hill to join the leadership
6. Discuss current issues in Debian.
- Release status
Progress has been made. The release team will report status as it
sees fit.
7. Assign task: review the formal delegations made by previous DPL,
adjust delegations to fit reality, and don't let any delegations
lapse accidentally.
Jeroen volunteers to do this task and will consult others whenever
needed. He will report back next week.
8. Delegate team members to research and report at next meeting on
areas of Debian concern that we may want to add to our to-do list.
- Branden and Andreas could review their own platforms
- Bdale could report on what he has learned at LCA 2005
- Anthony, Matthew, and Angus's platforms could be distributed among
Enrico, Jeroen, and Steve
Distribution: Steve -> Matthew's platform
Enrico -> Angus'
Jeroen -> Anthony's
9. Discuss coming up with a better name for ourselves than "Project
General impression: "DPL Team" is a good name. Later brainstorming
is welcome. LAC and LAB (Leadership Advisory Council/Board) were
10. Open floor to general discussion.
Jeroen reports that he is backing up most of the readable Debian
resources esp svn.d.o, cvs.d.o, cvs.alioth.d.o, but also qa,
release.d.o, planet, buildd.d.o etc.
Branden reports on Debian's financial situation:
1) SPI issues monthly balance sheet and profit and loss statements.
2) Steve McIntyre replied to my request for a current cash-on-hand
3) The Debian UK Society currently has about GBP 2,000.
4) ffis e.V. (Germany) has not been contacted yet
Christian Surchi has some Debian money in Italy, and Pablo
Lorenzzoni <spectra@debian.org> in Brazil has 10kUS+ on behalf of
Andreas reports on DebConf5 preparations.
This year Linux Aktivaattori <URL: http://www.linux-aktivaattori.org >
serves as a local legal umbrella for DebConf.
They have opened an account for DebConf and will hire an accountant
to do the accounting for the event to handle the expected budget of
USD 140,000.
Jeroen adjourns the meeting at 2317 UTC.
* Branden will contact the aKademy 2005 people about sponsorship for
Debian developers on their end.
* Jeroen will report on delegation positions at the next meeting.
Next Meeting
The suggested time for the next meeting is Friday, 2005-04-29, 1900 UTC.
Minutes approved by:
Branden Robinson
Enrico Zini
Andreas Schuldei
Jeroen van Wolffelaar
Steve Langasek
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