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Re: debai app

On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 03:16:57PM -0800, Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:

>  While there are none such yet, what files and how (what commands?
>  where to write them?) should I back up (automatically, over-write) on
>  startup and shutdown, so that all I would have to do would be to
>  re-install and just simply over-write the needed files, if need be?
>  In which list should I really ask about this?
>  Thanks!
>  Thank you, respectfully - Mr. Jan Hearthstone.

Please forget the funny guys that can't find where the real question is
in your mail.

You can backup your package selection with:
  dpkg --get-selections > file.txt
and then reselect the packages you had in the previous install with:
  dpkg --set-selection < file.txt

All the configurations are in /etc: you can make a backup with:
  tar zcvf etc.tar.gz /etc
and restore it with:
  tar -C / -xvf etc.tar.gz

And all the user's data are in /home, which you can backup and restore
like /etc.

E-mail inboxes, MySQL databases and other shared data is in /var.
Depending on how you use your system you may want to make a backup of
that as well.

If you're just learning, you probably only need to backup your home;
after some reinstalling you'll figure out what else you want to preserve
to make your reinstallations easier.

You'll also find out that things are not that easy to break if you don't
stop learning :)



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