Re: debian is too big
On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 09:44:23AM +0000, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
> In article <[🔎] 000501c4056b$141ab270$0a5ea8c0@LEELOO>,
> Philippe Strauss <> wrote:
> >More seriously, my point is:
> >Is there any hope to one day, to adapt debian to the number of packages
> >it bears and split release cycles between a core of 300-500 packages
> >and having the rest of packages evolving at their own pace, following
> >the core?
> >syncing so much package around "release" schedule is becoming
> >unrealistic. I'm waiting testing to become stable for so long.
> That would be a godsend. It would work, too. It's happening already:
> a lot of people run woody as "the stable core" and
> as "the rest", so the idea certainly has merit.
I think it has some problems, though -- for instance, differences in
versions of libc. If we supported building packages from source better
(which I really think we should), this instantly becomes more practical.
-- John
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