Re: Project name
On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 04:06:45PM +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> No, the Hurd is only the user-extensible operating system
> and as such potentially universal (but in that even more so then Linux
> ever will be). Nevermind ;)
Ah, so we could change it is a statement of faith? :)
> As far as my personal interest goes, I am happy with hacking on the Hurd
> and working on Debian GNU/Hurd so that it can be released with Woody+1.
> And *then* I will talk with debian-www about changing the web pages.
Sounds reasonable.
> I wouldn't object making Hurd more prominent on the front page today,
> as long as it is clear that it is an invitation for developers to help,
> and not for users to complain :) However, we have other channels to
> get developers, which are probably more effective anyway.
While being questioned in an email interview, I was asked by the writer,
"Does Debian Jr. work on Debian GNU/Hurd?" Maybe I should find out? :)
> Oh, as I am talking here on debian-project... anybody wants to help?
> There are many bugs in the Debian packages which prevent building them
> on the Hurd (and I swear it is not our fault! :). Everybody pick a few,
> and the 3950 is reached in no time.
OK, I'll bite ... will it install happily on a 486dx2/66 with 16M, EISA
and SCSI (Adaptec) on a 1G drive?
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