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Re: exhibition kits

Nils Lohner wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:14:41 -0400, Ben Collins wrote:
> >On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 03:06:34PM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> >> I would heartily recommend putting together some kind of affordable
> >> "exhibition kit".  Every time I've seen a Debian booth (well, only
> >> twice, in the LWE in New York) it's been pretty pathetetic on the
> >> face of it.  It was fun, of course, putting faces to names that I've
> >> seen, but I think some effort should be made in terms of having a
> >> booth be a more visible less, uh, amateurish.
> >> 
> >> If there's any will to get this done, I might be able to hook folks
> >> up with some pro-bono designer types who have experience with such
> >> things...
> >> 
> >> A topic for debian-project ?
> >
> >Very much so, let's start some context on this subject. It's one of the
> >goals I'd like to see reached.
> Something else that we get regularly ar press@d.o are reauests for CDs
> and tshirts and similar items for LUGs, installfests etc.  It would be
> nice if in the course of looking at 'show kits' we could also look into
> this issue, since they are somewhat similar.

No, that are just users seeking for freebees like suse and redhat
dumps at them.  That's something different than a show kit which
would have to consist of posters, software and other demo stuff
so anybody can run a booth, without prior knowledge and work
except requesting the kit.

We could send around 60,000 freebees if we want, but do we want that?
Just by summarizing the requests.  That's about $ 30,000.

> The problem with press kits is that they change every time, and we need
> someone to assemble them and send them off.  I guess we have enough CD
> vendors willing... maybe all that's missing is a bit of coordination and
> a list ov vendors willing to do this sort of thing.

For the press we bounce others to our vendors.  That works, doesn't it?
We cannot send them a specially formed box, since it would be Debian but
we don't sell it, so they would review something a normal looney can't
get.  That would render the review quite useless.



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