Re: Data does NOT belong in Debian (was: Stop Archive bloat)
Fabien Ninoles <fabien@Nightbird.TZoNE.ORG> writes:
> On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 09:43:57PM +0200, Goswin Brederlow wrote:
> > Philippe Troin <> writes:
> >
> > > 1) The way the Debian archive works requires the data to be stored
> > > twice (source package and .deb).
> >
> > Why not allow Source only packages ?
> Because installing such package requires you to have three times the
> necessary space and there no way to make it installable from dselect
Actually its only two times. You unpack the source and compile
it. Then you can delete the source and install the deb. Oh, shit, most
package will still need 3 times the size, becaue they copy stuff into
debin/tmp, but that could be changed to hardlinks or moving to
preserve space. Well its all a dream at the moment, but it can be made
to work.
> or apt-get install. For sure, if we can make those options works
> correctly, I'm not opppsed to it. See also my suggestion about a deb package
> who used .orig.tar.gz as an "external" data.tar.gz.
At the moment. But that could be changed. Just because its not useable
now doesn´t mean we shouldn´t think about.
I would realy like a source only distribution, where you only have to
mirror the source directory and "apt-get source-update" will fetch
that source, compile it and install it without problems and without
leaving any garbage behind.
May the Source be with you.
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