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Re: Proposal: incremental release process (the package pool)

On Mon, Oct 25, 1999 at 01:40:16PM -0700, Joey Hess wrote:
> Can people who favor package pools come up with a list of things package
> pools give us that this much simpler approach doesn't?

I like this proposal. But I'd list the difference as:

this is more automated, mine is more maintainer-driven.

More automated usually means less control, but this case leaves
enought control.

The problem with this ``much simpler'' approach is that it is
in fact ``much more complex'' implementation-wise; it requires:

- the promotion automation program

- fixing the BTS to tie bugs to versions (so that the program
can know that the bug is on the ``unstable'' version, not on
the one in ``testing'')

It requires more code. If this code was around, _and_ if we can
still have multiple versions of a same package in unstable
which I think is a good idea anyway, then I'd be glad to vote
for this one.

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