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Re: Request for Removal: Unmaintained libppd in Debian

On 27/12/2022 09:33, Christoph Biedl wrote:

No, this was rather to Thorsten, and suggesting we could ship cups-filters
in both versions in bookworm. That was a service for our users as they can
freely choose when to migrate, and maintainers have less pressure to fix
any bugs immediately.

But I admit I have no idea whether it's technically possible, doable in
time, and some other constraints.

Principally, one can have libraries of different API generations installed on the same system, to allow old apps to continue to work. For this we have the soname, a number which is increased with each new API version. As the legacy libppd has soname 0 and the current libppd has soname 2 (and I even could still bump it again) it should work. We need to rename the source package and -dev file to things like "libppd0..." or "libppd-legacy..." though.

[ Removing lpr*-based printing from Debian ]
This however should be discussed with all the related package
maintainers and on debian-devel as well. Nothing I can afford to spend
time on right now given the bookworm freeze timeline.

OK, let us aim for complete LPD/LPR/LPRng/legacy-libppd/gpr removal for
bookworm+1 ...

Having looked a few other fairly dusty corners I'm even more inclined to
go that way, and for a brief moment considered pushing this by writing
an e-mail to debian-devel right now. But it's madness - to begin with, I
don't have an idea which packages will be affected by this. Also, I'm
not really into printing, so I doubt I have the competence to drive the

Write the mail to

Debian Printing Team <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>

or you have already written it as this list is CCed in this thread.

To find out which packages are really affected, go through these packages with

   apt rdepends NAME

With NAME being binary packages.

We need to investigate the binary packages of these source packages: lpr, lpd, lprng, libppd, ppdfilt, gpr, ...

Also the found reverse dependencies need to be checked for reverse dependencies themselves.

I expect this is only a small amount of packages and some could be even rebuilt without LPD/LPR/LPRng support.

Thoughts on this by other folks in the loop (or are you already bored?)

Unfortunately, many people get bored by printing-related subject matter, see the audience of my last OpenPrinting micro-conference here:



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