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Re: driverless printing awesomeness

Thanks a lot for your email!

2 juillet 2021 09:46 "Tomas Pospisek" <tpo@sourcepole.ch> a écrit:
> Hello Debian printing maintainers, hello Didier, hello Till,
> yesterday I wanted to set up priting on my new Debian bullseye laptop for 
> my Epson ET-3750 printer. I did a `apt install cups` ... and my printer 
> was there and I could print in color.
> I am in awe.
> This is the best thing that happened to me on computers for a looong time.
> If ever we meet and I guess anytime we meet I owe you a beer!

Most, if not all the blame should go to Till (OpenPrinting), Brian (Debian bug hunter and documentation writer), and Michael (CUPS author)!

But the thanks are much appreciated!



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