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cups-filters 1.21.0 released!


I have released cups-filters 1.21.0 now, with the following changes:

	- libcupsfilters, cups-browsed, driverless, foomatic-rip,
	  parallel: Silenced warnings from newest gcc.
	- libcupsfilters: When generating a PPD for driverless
	  printing on a remote IPP printer, make pdftopdf not being
	  run by the local queue if the remote queue is a CUPS queue
	  to avoid running pdftopdf twice (CUPS Issue #5361).
	- libcupsfilters, cups-browsed, driverless, bannertopdf,
          foomatic-rip, pdftops, pdftoraster, rastertops,
          rastertoescpx, sys5ippprinter, beh: Fixed Coverity Scan
          issues. Thanks to Zdenek Dohnal (zdohnal at redhat dot com)
          for the tests and the patches.
	- bannertopdf: Switched over from using Poppler to using QPDF
	  for generating the PDF pages. With Poppler unstable APIs
	  were used which were subject to change. Thanks to Sahil
	  Arora for this project in the Google Summer of Code 2018
	  (Pull request #25).
	- cups-browsed: Manually defined clusters ("Cluster" directive
	  in cups-browsed.conf) caused cups-browsed to crash.

In this release bannertopdf is based on QPDF and not using Poppler through undocumented interfaces any more, thanks to Sahil Arora's Google Summer of Code work. In addition, several bugs got fixed, especially the duplicate execution of pdftopdf (both on client and server) when one prints on a local queue pointing to a remote CUPS printer.

Please release this on Debian so that it syncs into Ubuntu.

It would be great if you could do it as soon as possible as we have Feature Freeze in Ubuntu this Thursday, August 23.

Thanks in advance.


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