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cups-filters 1.18.0 released!


I have released cups-filters 1.18.0 now, with the following changes:

	- braille: Add support for page-ranges option. Thanks to
          Samuel Thibault for this patch (Pull request #12).
	- braille: Fix supporting docx and LO file names with
          spaces. Thanks to Samuel Thibault for this patch (Pull
          request #11).
	- .gitignore: Updated and cleaned up.
	- Build system: Make sure that "make dist" always includes all
	  files of the repository, plus the files generated by
	  ./autogen.sh, independent of the system configuration and
	  the used ./configure options.
	- pdftoijs, pdftoopvp: Build pdftoijs and pdftoopvp only on
	  demand (via "--enable-ijs" and "--enable-opvp" on the
	  ./configure command line). There are actually no known
	  printer drivers using these filters. If no one complains
	  about the missing filters they will get completely removed.
	- Build system: Set default path for pdftops to
	  /usr/bin/pdftops also for cross-compiling (Bug #1417).
	- cups-browsed: Set "printer-location" as an attribute and not
	  as an option when creating/updating a CUPS queue (Bug
	- braille: Fix handling non-printable characters in BRF
	  files. Thanks to Samuel Thibault for this patch.
	- braille: Fix printing backslashes in BRF files. Thanks to
          Samuel Thibault for this patch.
	- braille: use application/vnd.cups-brf instead of
	  text/vnd.cups-brf. Thanks to Samuel Thibault for this patch.
	- braille: Make sure liblouis emits pure BRF output. Thanks to
	  Samuel Thibault for this patch.
	- braille: Spaces at the head of lines were not getting
	  embossed, because bash would eat them in the read
	  command. IFS allows to avoid the issue. Thanks to Samuel
	  Thibault for this patch.
	- gstoraster: Emit proper error message if Ghostscript is
	  missing.  Thanks to Peter De Wachter (pdewacht at gmail dot
	  com) for the patch (Bug #1415).
	- braille: Old bash does not like quotes, like in '$(("123" +
	  0))'. Removed unneeded quotes. Thanks to Samuel Thibault for
	  this patch.
	- braille: Index V5 embossers are compatible with the V4
	  protocol so we do not need driver changes, we just need to
	  advertise the support. Thanks to Samuel Thibault for this

This release consists mainly of fixes and improvements for the Braille embosser support, but also does fixes on other filters, fixes of make dist, and especially removes the pdftoopvp and pdftoijs filters by default due to the fact that there are no know printer drivers actually using them.

Note the removal of pdftoopvp and pdftoijs. My intention is to deprecate these filters when they are actually not used any more. There are not only no printer drivers known to me that use these filters, the filters themselves use unstable, non-public interfaces of Poppler and therefore they often need changes for new releases of Poppler. Therefore I want to find out whethere I can remove these filters from the cups-filters project.

Now I want that distributions ship without these filters, at least with the filters not being installed by default and find out whether this leads to complaints. Ifthere are no complaints, the filters get removed. If there are complaints, the reporter has to give a reference to the driver which we then add to the documentation of cups-filters.

For distro packaging I have two suggestions:

- Replace the source code tarball of the current package by this version and do not change anything else. This makes the mentioned filters and its auxiliary files go away. Perhaps the debian/*.install files will need slight changes.

- Build with the "--enable-ijs" and "--enable-opvp" options for ./configure but split out these two filters and their auxiliary files into their own binary packages, for example "cups-filters-ijs" and "cups-filters-opvp". DO NOT seed these new binary packages for the default installation.

DO NOT build with the "--enable-ijs" and "--enable-opvp" options WITHOUT splitting off the filter binaries!

Here are the filters and their auxiliary files:



Please package this version for Debian so that it syncs into Ubuntu. Thanks.

In general, repos are hosted as GIT here on OpenPrinting's GitHub:


Also releases are listed here.


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