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Bug#613987: lpr prints blank pages

I do not think doing anything purposeful with the original bug report
is really possible without a PPD to work with.

Maybe jaakov has some further feedback to send in. Let's wait and see.

My original report was for a debian system and was valid at that time.

Currently, it turned out that the system I was using for printing on 28 October 2014 is not a debian one, and I cannot get a ppd file from the the network server anyway. Now and in the next months I won't be able to get my hands on a debian system attached to a printer that easily, so please don't expect any input from me in the next time.

The best I can tell for now is that the Hensgen-... file today is printed ok with both lpr and lp under ubuntu on HP LaserJet P4015 with the ppd file starting as follows:

*PPD-Adobe: "4.3"
*%%%% PPD file for HP LaserJet p4015 with CUPS.
*%%%% Created by the CUPS PPD Compiler CUPS v1.7.2.
*% (c) 2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, LP
*FormatVersion: "4.3"
*FileVersion: "3.14.3"

Sorry about that


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