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Re: Performing dist-upgrade on powerpc and ppc64

Hi Adrian,

John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
Python 2.7 was removed from Debian unstable in December 2022 [1]. The
motivations for the removal are explained in [2].

I supposed so, just asked for confirmation. I don't care much about the motivations - I need it as a build dependency. I understand a minimal build only python2 retained for some time (no more?). ArcticFox is not the only app depending python2.7 generally, butperhaps in the Debian DB? I know Firefox eventually migrated to py3, but it took a long time and currently I don't have the resources to folow it - simply because I don't know python and don't know what is needed.

If still needed, the package can be rebuilt from the older sources
against the current updated shared library t64 packages [3].

For now, it is the best solution for me. Longer-term I need a better solution... No problem for me trying to rebuild, but I never built something which did not have a "debian source". I suppose I might need some recursion and tweaking, needing also libpython2.7-stdlib and perhaps other dependencies I will discover.

From [3] I get 3 files. I put them in a directory.

I also checked https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/python2.7 which shows the same thing.

I expected to be able to download a single source package, like "deb-src" had.

So I run

$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

but get:
dpkg-buildpackage: error: cannot open file debian/changelog: No such file or directory

I clearly miss some stupid setup setp. Can you guess off-head what I need?



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