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booting Debian NetINST image in QEMU and booting the created disk

Hi all,

I found a way to boot the recent Debian installer images and to boot the created disk. In the example I created a 20G debian12.qcow2 file.

Install from the NETINST-1.iso:

qemu-system-ppc \
  -L pc-bios \
  -boot d \
  -M mac99 \
  -m 2048 \
  -prom-env 'auto-boot?=true' \
  -prom-env 'boot-args=-v' \
-drive file=debian-12.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso,format=raw,media=cdrom \
  -drive file=debian12.qcow2,format=qcow2,media=disk \
  -net nic,model=sungem \
  -net user

Boot the disk:

qemu-system-ppc \
  -L pc=bios \
  -boot order=cd,menu=off \
  -M mac99,via=pmu \
  -m 2048 \
  -drive file=debian-12.0.0-powerpc-NETINST-1.iso,media=cdrom \
  -drive file=debian12.qcow2,if=ide,media=disk \
  -net nic,model=sungem \
  -net user

Best regards,
Jeroen Diederen - MintPPC

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