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Re: New Debian Sid installation - how to?

Hi Adrian!

On 5/17/23 10:38, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:

In evening I will check also ext2 /boot/grub partition, and also try
install all together to single / ext4 partition, if installer allows it.
Of course, Mac will not boot in this case, but at least I can try whole
installation process.
That does not work. /boot/grub must be an HFS partition, otherwise the
installation of the GRUB bootloader will fail. I recommend using the
default partition layout for the time being.

Thanks, it saves my time. I have another idea - I haven't check the size of my /boot/grub partiton.

I used old grub partition from times when Debian drops yaboot. ( Debian 9 probably). Maybe this new grub version requires more space.

Yes it could. My Powermac Quad has now issues with thermal calibration,
I have to check and clean everything. Fortunatelly it has no coolant
leakage. But other hardware like disk controllers woks fine under OSX
and MorphOS.
In most cases it's a memory module problem and it's not unusual that the
problem shows with some operating systems only.
Powermac ASD firmware diagnostics shows all RAM modules OK. But it is good point - I can try installation with only two other modules - i.e. 4GB
I have also iMac G5 stored in basement, so I can try installation here.
But later, my daughter is getting married this weekend :-)))
Testing on a different machine is definitely a very good idea!

PS: All the best for your daughter's marriage!

Many thanks !!!


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