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Re: Is a Raptor Blackbird (or other Power machine) a good general-purpose desktop?

On Tue, 2023-03-21 at 00:16 +0100, Lionel Élie Mamane wrote:
> Would a Power-based machine in general, and a Raptor Blackbird in
> particular, be a good freedom-respecting computer to run a Debian
> desktop?

I personally gave up my similar idea of using my Raptor Blackbird Power9 as full
desktop replacement due to many reasons (mainly due to - not quite unexpected - non-working software I could not
replace or run in an emulator/VM or that uses proprietary x86 blobs/binaries/firmware).

A quite comprehensive overview over working software was published by the maintainer of void linux
so you could check this against your software requirements:


Note that this list may be old since the maintainer of void linux has started a new distro called "Chimera Linux":



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