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Re: GRUB doesn't install

Le 22/07/2020 à 08:51, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz a écrit :
On 7/22/20 8:43 AM, David VANTYGHEM wrote:
Alt+Function Keys don't work in AQEMU.
Then run the installation through a virtual serial console. This allows you
switch to different screens (i.e. from GNU screen) using Ctrl+a+p.

Even though I have a hard time believing that you can't use Alt+Function Keys
in your emulation. You should look into fixing the keyboard configuration then.

If that doesn't work either, go back to the main menu after the installation has
failed and then go to "Execute a shell" and access the syslog this way.

I tried to mount the qcow image, it failed. I tried to boot Debian installed
in the VM with -append root= -kernel -initrd options as explained here
It's not in the image, it's a RAM file system.

Please understand that it's not possible to help you without a log file.


I found something that could work. I started my VM with -monitor stdio option and then I had the qemu shell. With the qemu command sendkey ctrl-alt-f2, sendkey ctrl-alt-f1, I can switch to terminal in VM. I make a new install, result in a few hours maybe...

Installer facilement Linux : http://infolib.re

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