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Re: Installation freezes


Been there, done that (and not just on PPC).
When I find the installer stuck, I run "ps -ef f" which shows graphically the process tree. Typically, the one that is indented the most is the one that is hung, then I run "kill -15 $PID_of_offender" (PID is normally the second column).

Because the installer has a very simple version of ps, you would have to copy the libraries that ps needs from /target to /lib - most likely,
# cp /target/lib/libproc* /lib/
# /target/bin/ps -ef f

Kill -15 should cause the hanging process to give up and return control to the process that called it, allowing the installer to resume and recover from the error. If that polite kill request doesn't resume the installation, get stern and run "kill -9 $PID_of_offender".


Wayde Allen wrote:
I've recently been trying to install the latest copy of DebianPPC on
an old G4.  The install disk boots, finds the network, partitions the
hardrive, and begins dowloading files from the mirror.  However, once
it finishes downloading the last file the system simply stops the
installation.  The computer seems to be working, I can for instance do
an Alt-F2 to get a new shell and poke around in the system.  It is
just the install that has stopped.  Any suggestions?

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