Re: Cross-compile PPC kernel on x86
On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 01:50:01PM -0700, Amit Uttamchandani wrote:
> At this point I would like to use the make-kpkg command but how do I
> specify the paths for the proper toolchain to use?
> Right now I am using the command:
> make-kpkg --initrd --cross-compile powerpc --revision=test.kernel_image
I've been using prebuilt kernels for a while, so this may be out of
date, but I used to use this:
make-kpkg --arch powerpc --subarch pmac --cross-compile powerpc-linux ...
It will look for cross-tools in your PATH that are named
powerpc-linux-gcc, powerpc-linux-as, etc.
Eric Cooper e c c @ c m u . e d u
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