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Booting powerbook G3 with Bootx or Quik

Hi guys out there, I have a problem that is driving me crazy (well I am a newbie..).
I have installed the Debian 4.0 (I tried Netinstall and xfce) on my mac Powerbook g3 wallstreet. The installation is no-problema I install the minimal version of Debian because I only have 1,2G. I do the manual partition and format the root partition with first ext2 and in the second try with ext3.
/dev/hda7   swap
/dev/hda8   root

I choose as the first try not to install Quik because, if I may quote from the manual:

“If you use BootX to boot into the installed system, just select your desired kernel in the Linux Kernels folder, un-choose the ramdisk option, and add a root device corresponding to your installation; e.g. /dev/hda8.”

Seems to be very easy but when I reboot Linux I got the error:

Cannot open device “hda8” or unknown-block (0,0)
Kernel panic not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs or unknown block (0,0)

The second time I install Quik but in this case the computer remain silent, just a black screen.

Last try I use Quik for mac OS. But when I design hda8 as my root partition I got a message: 
Bad root partition name /hda8

Maybe the hda8 root is not properly formatted and Debian installer cannot format it. If I use pdisk I got the result:

N		type			name
7		Apple_UNIX_SVR2 	swap
8		Apple_bootstrap		root

Is correct that my root partition is Apple_bootstrap? Should not be Apple_UNIX_SVR2

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