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Updated Makefile to produce a utility cd for Linux installations for OldWorld from an Original MacOS CD


I've updated my Makefile. This new version supports booting the Gentoo Minimal Installation CD all from a ramdisk (it did not work with the last version).

- choose Linux Kernels/genallinitrd.gz for a ramdisk in BootX/Options
- type 64000 in the field ramdisk size
- enter init=linuxrc video="atyfb:off" as boot arguments (video option only if you have a pci video card and don't use onboard video)

See my last posts if you need further instructions on how to create the CD with the Makefile. The deballinitrd.gz is still broken. Choose from the netboot, cd, or hd-media targets, if you want to boot the debian installer. The Gentoo Minimal Installation Boot from my rather crude-hacked-together genallinitrd.gz was tested with a Beige G3, 192 MB RAM (probably works with less, but I suspect not less than 100) and a Mac OS 8.5 CD (template for the Makefile).

It is also possible to use miboot with the cd, though I've not automated this yet. Thoughts are:
- hmount Mac OS 8.5 CD template
- remove all data on it
- put genvmlinux and genallinitrd.gz  on it
- run a modified miboot script (the one from debian) to put the fake Mac OS files on the CD needed to but the previous two files - oldworld livecds should be possible with that, but you would need a kernel with hfs filesystem support to mount the cd (at least i couldn't get hybrid cd's to boot yet) unless you squeeze everything into the initrd, like I did with the minimal gentoo (this is impractical for a big livecd, since most oldworld machines probably have less than 512 MB of ram)

cat >Makefile <<EOF
# This is a convenience Makefile to add SystemDisk, BootX and
# a couple of current linux kernels to a bootable Mac OS CD.
# It tries to do the right thing (tm) ;-)
# $name: Makefile$
# $author: Christian Mueller <cmue81 at gmx dot de>$
# $copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 by Christian Mueller$
# $license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html$
# $license-version: GNU GPL version 2$
# $date: 2007-01-23$
# Dependencies: hfsutils, cdr-tools
# Usage: The only thing you should need to adjust is the
#        BOOTABLE_MAC_CD variable or *URL if the URLs listed
#        deliver a "404 not found".  If you have a rewritable
#        cd handy, adjust CDBURNER and try make cdrw.
# Motivation: Even in the lucky case you get bootloaders for
#             a Beige G3 working (miboot, quik, etc.) you
#             would still need a booting Mac OS System to
#             apply the System Disk patches in case they
#             get screwed up.  So if you're the owner of a
#             proprietary Mac OS CD let this Makefile convert
#             it to a useful utility CD in case you get stuck
#             with stand-alone-linux on your Mac-Box.
# WARNING: The image given with BOOTABLE_MAC_CD will get
#          modified! It might not work, so do backups !!
# NOTE: You cannot compress your kernels if you want to use
#       them with BootX ;-(
# Tested on a Beige G3 with OpenFirmware 2.4, might work on
# other models.  Hopefully we will not need this anymore
# some day, when support for Apple's oldworld machines has
# grown up ;-)  Ciao ..
BOOTABLE_MAC_CD = /media/hdb1/macos8.iso

SELF = Makefile

SYSDISK = SystemDisk2.3.1.smi.bin

STUFFIT = stuffit520.611linux-i386.tar.gz
UNSTUFF = bin/unstuff

BOOTX = BootX_1.2.2.sit
BOOTX_DIR = BootX_1.2.2

APPDISK = AppDisk174.sit
APPDISK_DIR = AppDisk_1.7.4

RESEDIT = ResEdit_2.1.3.sea.bin
RSEDPDF = ResEditReference.pdf

TOMEVIEW = tomeviewer.sit
TOMEVIEW_DIR = TomeViewer_1.3d3

XPOSTFACTO = XPostFacto4.sit

GEN_IMG = install-ppc-minimal-$(GEN_IMG_VER).iso
GEN_IMG_VER = 2006.0
GEN_IMG_KRNL = ppc32

SYSDISKURL = ftp://ftp.apple.com/developer/macosxserver/utilities/$(SYSDISK)
STUFFITURL = http://www.allume.com/downloads/files/$(STUFFIT)
BOOTXURL = http://penguinppc.org/historical/benh/$(BOOTX)
APPDISKURL = http://homepage.mac.com/mavsftwre/$(APPDISK)
RESEDITURL = http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/Utilities/$(RESEDIT)
RSEDPDFURL = http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/pdf/$(RSEDPDF)
TOMEVIEWURL = http://aspect1.mac.tucows.com/files/$(TOMEVIEW)
XPOSTFACTOURL = http://eshop.macsales.com/OSXCenter/XPostFacto/Archive/$(XPOSTFACTO)
DEBURL = http://people.debian.org/~wouter/d-i/powerpc/daily/powerpc
GENMIRROR = ftp://ftp.wh2.tu-dresden.de/pub/mirrors/gentoo
GENURL = $(GENMIRROR)/releases/ppc/$(GEN_IMG_VER)/ppc32/installcd/$(GEN_IMG)

modimage: fetchonly \
       hfsmount \
       $(SELF).treecopy \
       $(RSEDPDF).treecopy \
       $(SYSDISK).treecopy \
       copyarchives \
       debianstuff \
       gentoostuff \
       $(BOOTX_DIR).treecopy \
       $(APPDISK_DIR).treecopy \
       $(TOMEVIEW_DIR).treecopy \
       $(XPOSTFACTO_DIR).treecopy \

copyarchives: hfscd_archives_dir \
       $(BOOTX).treecopy \
       $(APPDISK).treecopy \
       $(RESEDIT).treecopy \
       $(TOMEVIEW).treecopy \
       $(XPOSTFACTO).treecopy \
       hfscd_cretyp \
fetchonly: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
       $(SYSDISK) \
       $(STUFFIT) \
       $(APPDISK) \
       $(RESEDIT) \
       $(RSEDPDF) \
       $(TOMEVIEW) \
       $(XPOSTFACTO) \
       $(GEN_IMG) \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \

cd: modimage
   cdrecord -dao dev=$(CDBURNER) $(BOOTABLE_MAC_CD)

   cdrecord dev=$(CDBURNER) blank=fast

cdrw: cdclean cd

   umount -d genloop || exit 0
   rm -rf bin/ genloop/ "$(BOOTX_DIR)" "$(APPDISK_DIR)" "$(TOMEVIEW_DIR)" \
         "$(XPOSTFACTO_DIR)" *.dirs *.files *irdbuild *irdmerge .*irdmerge

distclean: clean

   hmkdir ":Archives" 2>/dev/null || exit 0
   hcd ":Archives"

   hattrib -c SITx -t SITD ":*"

   hcd "::"


   hmount $(BOOTABLE_MAC_CD)

TCRW = \($(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)\)\|\($(BOOTX)\)\|\($(APPDISK)\)
TCSPEC1 = s^hcopy -m\( .\)\($(TCRAW)\)^hcopy -r\1\2^
TCSPEC2 = s^hcopy -m\( .\)\($(SELF)\)^hcopy -t\1\2^
CPLSED = h;s|/|:|g;s|_| |g;s|^ '\(.*:\)\?.*| ':\1'|;H;g;s/\n//;s/^/hcopy -m/;
%.treecopy: %
   echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$*.dirs" && chmod +x "$*.dirs"
   echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$*.files" && chmod +x "$*.files"
   find "$*" -type d -printf "hmkdir '/%p'\n" | \
         sed -e "s|/|:|g;s|_| |g;$(TCSPECIALS)" >> "$*.dirs"
   find "$*" -not -type d -printf " '%p'\n" | \
         sed -ne "$(CPLSED)$(TCSPECIALS)p" >> "$*.files"
   "./$*.dirs" 2>/dev/null || exit 0
   "./$*.files" || exit 0

   mkdir -p "$(suffix $*).irdmerge" && \
   cd "$(suffix $*).irdmerge" && \
   gunzip -c "../$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/$(subst .,,$(suffix $*))$(patsubst \
         %$(suffix $*),%,$*)ird.gz" > "initrd.tmp" && \
   cpio -i < "initrd.tmp" 2> /dev/null && \
   rm "initrd.tmp" && \
   cd .. && \
   touch "$@"

   test -e "$(patsubst %$(suffix $*),%,$*).gz" || { \
   cd $(suffix $*).irdmerge && \
   find > ../files$(suffix $*).irdmerge && \
   cpio -o < ../files$(suffix $*).irdmerge > "../$(patsubst \
         %$(suffix $*),%,$*)" && \
   cd .. ; }

%.gz: %
   test -e "$@" || gzip -9 "$*"

   wget $(STUFFITURL)

   tar xzf $(STUFFIT) $(UNSTUFF)
   touch $(UNSTUFF)

   wget $(BOOTXURL)

   $(UNSTUFF) -m=on $(BOOTX)
   mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"

   mv "$(subst Linux_,Linux ,$@)" "$@"
   touch "$@"

   wget $(APPDISKURL)

   $(UNSTUFF) -m=on $(APPDISK)
   mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"

   wget $(RESEDITURL)

   wget $(RSEDPDFURL)

   wget $(TOMEVIEWURL)

   $(UNSTUFF) -m=on $(TOMEVIEW)
   mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"



   wget $(GENURL)

$(GEN_IMG).mount: $(GEN_IMG)
   mkdir -p genloop && \
   mount -o loop $(GEN_IMG) genloop

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz: genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL).igz
   cp "genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL).igz" "$@"

# .gen.irdmerge/image.squashfs: genloop/image.squashfs
#    cp "genloop/image.squashfs" "$@"

INITDEFAULTS = real_root=/dev/ram3 cdroot console=tty0 loop=image.squashfs \
$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz
   test -e "$@.gz" || { \
   gunzip -c "$<" > "$@" && \
   mkdir -p .gen.irdmerge && cd .gen.irdmerge && \
   dd if="../$@" skip=5 | cpio -i && cat init | sed -e \
's^bootstrapCD^mv /$${LOOP} $${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/cdrom > /dev/null 2>\&1^' -e \
   cat <in >init && \
   echo "init" | cpio -o -H newc >> "../$@" && \
   cd .. && \
   cd genloop && \
   echo "image.squashfs" | cpio -o -H newc >> "../$@" && \
   cd .. ; }
#        live.gen.irdmerge \
#        .gen.irdmerge/image.squashfs \
#        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd.gen.irdbuild

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genvmlinux: genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL)
   test -e "$@.gz" || cp "genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL)" "$@"

gentoostuff: $(GEN_IMG).mount \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd.gz \
   umount -d genloop

   wget -O "$@" $(DEBURL)/$*/initrd.gz

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/deballinitrd: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \
       netboot.deb.irdmerge \
       cdrom.deb.irdmerge \
       hd-media.deb.irdmerge \

   test -e "$@.gz" || wget -O "$@" $(DEBURL)/cdrom/vmlinux

debianstuff: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \
       $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/deballinitrd.gz \

   wget $(SYSDISKURL)

# This is a convenience Makefile to add SystemDisk, BootX and
# a couple of current linux kernels to a bootable Mac OS CD.
# It tries to do the right thing (tm) ;-)
# $name: Makefile$ 
# $author: Christian Mueller <cmue81 at gmx dot de>$ 
# $copyright: Copyright (C) 2007 by Christian Mueller$
# $license: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html$
# $license-version: GNU GPL version 2$ 
# $date: 2007-01-09$ 
# Dependencies: hfsutils, cdr-tools
# Usage: The only thing you should need to adjust is the
#        BOOTABLE_MAC_CD variable or *URL if the URLs listed
#        deliver a "404 not found".  If you have a rewritable
#        cd handy, adjust CDBURNER and try make cdrw.
# Motivation: Even in the lucky case you get bootloaders for
#             a Beige G3 working (miboot, quik, etc.) you
#             would still need a booting Mac OS System to
#             apply the System Disk patches in case they
#             get screwed up.  So if you're the owner of a
#             proprietary Mac OS CD let this Makefile convert
#             it to a useful utility CD in case you get stuck
#             with stand-alone-linux on your Mac-Box.
# WARNING: The image given with BOOTABLE_MAC_CD will get
#          modified! It might not work, so do backups !!
# NOTE: You cannot compress your kernels if you want to use
#       them with BootX ;-(
# Tested on a Beige G3 with OpenFirmware 2.4, might work on
# other models.  Hopefully we will not need this anymore
# some day, when support for Apple's oldworld machines has
# grown up ;-)  Ciao ..
BOOTABLE_MAC_CD = /media/hdb1/macos8.iso

SELF = Makefile

SYSDISK = SystemDisk2.3.1.smi.bin

STUFFIT = stuffit520.611linux-i386.tar.gz
UNSTUFF = bin/unstuff

BOOTX = BootX_1.2.2.sit
BOOTX_DIR = BootX_1.2.2

APPDISK = AppDisk174.sit
APPDISK_DIR = AppDisk_1.7.4

RESEDIT = ResEdit_2.1.3.sea.bin
RSEDPDF = ResEditReference.pdf

TOMEVIEW = tomeviewer.sit
TOMEVIEW_DIR = TomeViewer_1.3d3

XPOSTFACTO = XPostFacto4.sit

GEN_IMG = install-ppc-minimal-$(GEN_IMG_VER).iso
GEN_IMG_VER = 2006.0
GEN_IMG_KRNL = ppc32

SYSDISKURL = ftp://ftp.apple.com/developer/macosxserver/utilities/$(SYSDISK)
STUFFITURL = http://www.allume.com/downloads/files/$(STUFFIT)
BOOTXURL = http://penguinppc.org/historical/benh/$(BOOTX)
APPDISKURL = http://homepage.mac.com/mavsftwre/$(APPDISK)
RESEDITURL = http://download.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/Apple_Software_Updates/English-North_American/Macintosh/Utilities/$(RESEDIT)
RSEDPDFURL = http://developer.apple.com/documentation/mac/pdf/$(RSEDPDF)
TOMEVIEWURL = http://aspect1.mac.tucows.com/files/$(TOMEVIEW)
XPOSTFACTOURL = http://eshop.macsales.com/OSXCenter/XPostFacto/Archive/$(XPOSTFACTO)
DEBURL = http://people.debian.org/~wouter/d-i/powerpc/daily/powerpc
GENMIRROR = ftp://ftp.wh2.tu-dresden.de/pub/mirrors/gentoo
GENURL = $(GENMIRROR)/releases/ppc/$(GEN_IMG_VER)/ppc32/installcd/$(GEN_IMG)

modimage: fetchonly \
        hfsmount \
        $(SELF).treecopy \
        $(RSEDPDF).treecopy \
        $(SYSDISK).treecopy \
        copyarchives \
        debianstuff \
        gentoostuff \
        $(BOOTX_DIR).treecopy \
        $(APPDISK_DIR).treecopy \
        $(TOMEVIEW_DIR).treecopy \
        $(XPOSTFACTO_DIR).treecopy \

copyarchives: hfscd_archives_dir \
        $(BOOTX).treecopy \
        $(APPDISK).treecopy \
        $(RESEDIT).treecopy \
        $(TOMEVIEW).treecopy \
        $(XPOSTFACTO).treecopy \
        hfscd_cretyp \
fetchonly: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
        $(SYSDISK) \
        $(STUFFIT) \
        $(APPDISK) \
        $(RESEDIT) \
        $(RSEDPDF) \
        $(TOMEVIEW) \
        $(XPOSTFACTO) \
        $(GEN_IMG) \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \

cd: modimage
	cdrecord -dao dev=$(CDBURNER) $(BOOTABLE_MAC_CD)

	cdrecord dev=$(CDBURNER) blank=fast

cdrw: cdclean cd

	umount -d genloop || exit 0
	rm -rf bin/ genloop/ "$(BOOTX_DIR)" "$(APPDISK_DIR)" "$(TOMEVIEW_DIR)" \
          "$(XPOSTFACTO_DIR)" *.dirs *.files *irdbuild *irdmerge .*irdmerge

distclean: clean

	hmkdir ":Archives" 2>/dev/null || exit 0
	hcd ":Archives"

	hattrib -c SITx -t SITD ":*"

	hcd "::"


	hmount $(BOOTABLE_MAC_CD)

TCRW = \($(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)\)\|\($(BOOTX)\)\|\($(APPDISK)\)
TCSPEC1 = s^hcopy -m\( .\)\($(TCRAW)\)^hcopy -r\1\2^
TCSPEC2 = s^hcopy -m\( .\)\($(SELF)\)^hcopy -t\1\2^
CPLSED = h;s|/|:|g;s|_| |g;s|^ '\(.*:\)\?.*| ':\1'|;H;g;s/\n//;s/^/hcopy -m/;
%.treecopy: %
	echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$*.dirs" && chmod +x "$*.dirs"
	echo "#!/bin/sh" > "$*.files" && chmod +x "$*.files"
	find "$*" -type d -printf "hmkdir '/%p'\n" | \
          sed -e "s|/|:|g;s|_| |g;$(TCSPECIALS)" >> "$*.dirs"
	find "$*" -not -type d -printf " '%p'\n" | \
          sed -ne "$(CPLSED)$(TCSPECIALS)p" >> "$*.files"
	"./$*.dirs" 2>/dev/null || exit 0
	"./$*.files" || exit 0

	mkdir -p "$(suffix $*).irdmerge" && \
	cd "$(suffix $*).irdmerge" && \
	gunzip -c "../$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/$(subst .,,$(suffix $*))$(patsubst \
          %$(suffix $*),%,$*)ird.gz" > "initrd.tmp" && \
	cpio -i < "initrd.tmp" 2> /dev/null && \
	rm "initrd.tmp" && \
	cd .. && \
	touch "$@"

	test -e "$(patsubst %$(suffix $*),%,$*).gz" || { \
	cd $(suffix $*).irdmerge && \
	find > ../files$(suffix $*).irdmerge && \
	cpio -o < ../files$(suffix $*).irdmerge > "../$(patsubst \
          %$(suffix $*),%,$*)" && \
	cd .. ; }

%.gz: %
	test -e "$@" || gzip -9 "$*"


	tar xzf $(STUFFIT) $(UNSTUFF)
	touch $(UNSTUFF)

	wget $(BOOTXURL)

	$(UNSTUFF) -m=on $(BOOTX)
	mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"

	mv "$(subst Linux_,Linux ,$@)" "$@"
	touch "$@"


	$(UNSTUFF) -m=on $(APPDISK)
	mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"




	mv "$(subst _, ,$@)" "$@"



	wget $(GENURL)

$(GEN_IMG).mount: $(GEN_IMG)
	mkdir -p genloop && \
	mount -o loop $(GEN_IMG) genloop

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz: genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL).igz
	cp "genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL).igz" "$@"

# .gen.irdmerge/image.squashfs: genloop/image.squashfs
#	cp "genloop/image.squashfs" "$@"

INITDEFAULTS = real_root=/dev/ram3 cdroot console=tty0 loop=image.squashfs \
$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz
	test -e "$@.gz" || { \
	gunzip -c "$<" > "$@" && \
	mkdir -p .gen.irdmerge && cd .gen.irdmerge && \
	dd if="../$@" skip=5 | cpio -i && cat init | sed -e \
's^bootstrapCD^mv /$${LOOP} $${NEW_ROOT}/mnt/cdrom > /dev/null 2>\&1^' -e \
	cat <in >init && \
	echo "init" | cpio -o -H newc >> "../$@" && \
	cd .. && \
	cd genloop && \
	echo "image.squashfs" | cpio -o -H newc >> "../$@" && \
	cd .. ; }
#        live.gen.irdmerge \
#        .gen.irdmerge/image.squashfs \
#        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd.gen.irdbuild

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genvmlinux: genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL)
	test -e "$@.gz" || cp "genloop/boot/$(GEN_IMG_KRNL)" "$@"

gentoostuff: $(GEN_IMG).mount \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genliveird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/genallinitrd.gz \
	umount -d genloop

	wget -O "$@" $(DEBURL)/$*/initrd.gz

$(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/deballinitrd: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \
        netboot.deb.irdmerge \
        cdrom.deb.irdmerge \
        hd-media.deb.irdmerge \

	test -e "$@.gz" || wget -O "$@" $(DEBURL)/cdrom/vmlinux

debianstuff: $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL) \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debnetbootird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debcdromird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/debhd-mediaird.gz \
        $(BOOTX_DIR_KRNL)/deballinitrd.gz \


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