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Re: PPC64 kernel build toolchain?

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Patrick Finnegan wrote:

Can anyone tell me where to get a toolchain that can build a PPC64 (NOT
PPC32) kernel?  I've now got a few PPC64 machines running Debian that
I'd like to run an actual 64-bit kernel on...

Maybe you'll have better luck. I built one with crosstool-031 which was very easy. Unfortunately when I try compiling a ppc 64 kernel it stops with:

gcc -Wp,-MD,arch/ppc64/boot/.crt0.o.d -D__ASSEMBLY__ -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -Iinclude -fno-builtin -traditional -c -o arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.o arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S: Assembler messages:
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:17: Error: no such instruction: `lis 9,_start@h'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:18: Error: no such instruction: `lis 8,_etext@ha'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:19: Error: no such instruction: `addi 8,8,_etext@l'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:20: Error: no such instruction: `dcbf 0,9'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:21: Error: no such instruction: `icbi 0,9'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:22: Error: no such instruction: `addi 9,9,0x20'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:23: Error: no such instruction: `cmplwi 0,9,8'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:24: Error: no such instruction: `blt 1b'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:25: Error: no such instruction: `sync'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:26: Error: no such instruction: `isync'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:30: Error: no such instruction: `lis 7,_end@ha'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:31: Error: no such instruction: `addi 7,7,_end@l'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:32: Error: no such instruction: `lis 8,__bss_start@ha' arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:33: Error: no such instruction: `addi 8,8,__bss_start@l'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:37: Error: no such instruction: `subf 7,8,7'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:38: Error: no such instruction: `addi 7,7,3'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:39: Error: invalid character '.' in mnemonic
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:40: Error: no such instruction: `beq 3f'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:41: Error: no such instruction: `addi 8,8,-4'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:42: Error: no such instruction: `mtctr 7'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:43: Error: no such instruction: `li 0,0'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:44: Error: no such instruction: `stwu 0,4(8)'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:45: Error: no such instruction: `bdnz 2b'
arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.S:47: Error: no such instruction: `b start'
make[1]: *** [arch/ppc64/boot/crt0.o] Error 1
make: *** [zImage] Error 2


Error Loading Explorer.exe
You must reinstall Windows.

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