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Re: Thunderbird 1.0


On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 07:34:23PM +0000, Sam Halliday wrote:
> Thunderbird 1.0 has not made it into unstable yet, but the maintainer has 
> his own repository here:
>   http://www.jwsdot.com/debian/index.html
> with only i386 binaries.

> i have no experience building debian packages... how would i go about 
> creating a powerpc .deb from the sources?

basic recipe:

add "deb-src http://people.debian.org/~asac/testing ./" to
run "apt-get update"
run "apt-get build-dep mozilla-thunderbird" # to install build-dependencies
run "apt-get -b source mozilla-thunderbird" # to fetch source and automatically build it

install resulting .deb with dpkg -i

test, notify maintainer that he/she has built a decent package that
also builds on powerpc, upload to webspace and ask for inclusion in
inofficial repository ;)

this is also described in the official documentation:

  .''`.  fabian linzberger           http://lefant.net/  ,= ,-_-. =.
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