Re: PowerPC desktop -- asking for trouble?
Igor Khavkine wrote:
I'm thinking of getting a PowerPC box as my next
desktop and I have a few questions. Hopefully this
is the right place to ask.
good idea.
First are there viable alternatives to Apple computers
for a PowerPC desktop? Can I get decent hardward without
an OS for a reasonable price?
do you want new or second hand? ebay is your friend.
macosx really isnt that expensive AND really isnt that
bad of an OS.
Second, how much trouble am I asking for as opposed to
buying an Intel or AMD based machine? One thing that
comes to mind is that I may not be able to use windows
DLL's for video codecs. Some binary only, but useful,
applications are only avaiable for x86 (such as, Real
Player, Acroread, Maple, Mathematica). Anything else
I should be aware of? Also, is there any emulation
software that I could use to run OS X apps under linux?
osx apps under linux? you can run MAC-ON-LINUX to run
another OS ontop of linux. its not a true virtual
machine (like pearpc - which will also run on a powerpc
but it would be silly to do so) but works well.
im unaware of any codecs that arent supported natively
in linux. i run mplayer for linux (i also use mplayer
on macosx) and am yet to find anything that wont just
run - unlike in windows when i find myself on
updating my codec pack. ffmpeg for windows is alot
better than its native friends.
gpdf is great for viewing pdf files. i love it. acrobat
viewer eats rocks. huray for open source!
there is a new version of realplayer for unix that
has a powerpc binary. i dont use real player.
does anyone?? *shrug*
Lastly, If I get a G5 PowerMac, will I be able to unstall
Debian on it (unstable is fine)? Is there any crucial
hardware that still doesn't have Linux drivers?
i have g3's only. sorry. you can buy me a g5 and ill
tell you how it goes :)
Thanks in advance.
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